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Mastering Arduino by Building Real World Applications

Mastering Arduino by Building Real World Applications

Cena: $29.99

Learn Arduino Programming to build working prototype of your Next IDEA

The course is designed for beginners to advance Arduino Users. It doesn’t matter, if you already know C Programming. We will begin our journey of learning Arduino right from the basics. You can quickly brush-up the Concept of C Programming in the context of Arduino. Later on we will make some Arduino Projects. The concept learned in early part of the course will help us take projects to the next level (advance).

Short Description:

The Biggest objective of this course is to get you hands-on experience with Arduino. This course will not only help you learn Arduino Programming but also help you understand underlying hardwares and protocols. We’ll build some cool projects which will motivate you to learn concept of electronics”

This course is step-by-step guide to setup Arduino Software and Hardware for Programming. The course starts with very basics and ends up making complex Arduino projects. We will setup every circuit from scratch and write Arduino programs for it. We will spend enough time in the beginning to get basics right. This will save time in long run to get you confident to solve complex Arduino programming tasks.

Później, we’ll be building some mini projects using LED, zwycięzca pod względem prostoty użytkowania, Czujniki (Temperature/Humidity/Light/Distance), Czujnik ruchu PIR, Internet przedmiotów (DC/Servo), Wyświetlacz (Character/TFT Touch Screen), Czujnik podczerwieni, Ethernet Shield, Wireless ZigBee Module, Bluetooth Module (HC-05), Streaming Live Data to IOT Cloud (Internet przedmiotów) i wiele więcej. These Projects will be small yet very powerful which enable you to get hands on experience with different technologies related to Embedded Software and Hardware Development.

Następnie zwrócił na siebie uwagę trenerów z North Carolina State University, we will connect all the bits and pieces we have learned so far to deliver bigger projects. These Arduino Project will Include: Remote Weather Monitoring Solution, Smart Home Automation, Wireless Sensor Network etc.

Future Update, Wkrótce….

  • Servo Motor Control

  • Ultrasonic Sensor (HC-SR04)

  • Real Time Clock Module (nad I2C Protocol)

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