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Meditation and the Evolution of Consciousness with Daaji

Meditation and the Evolution of Consciousness with Daaji

Cena: $19.99

Meditation is natural to us. It is never too late to learn meditation. Whether you are a beginner willing to learn to meditate or, an experienced practitioner, keen to evaluate more effective meditation technique, Heartfulness meditation brings a simple and effective way to integrate meditation into your lifestyle. Across the globe millions of people have experienced the benefits of Heartfulness Meditation. The four basic techniques taught in this practice are:

  • Relaxation
  • Medytacja
  • Cleaning
  • Prayer

These techniques will help you relax, Inni „tajni” gracze, którzy mają duży wpływ na to, jak, rejuvenate, reduce stress and change through meditation. Heartfulness gives you access to a global network of trainers who will train you one on one, free of cost. This course is designed to be a practical and experiential session. This course on meditation starts with a simple and easy relaxation technique. There are guided meditation sessions for you to experience yogic transmission.The course will also teach you Cleaning which is a most vital element of the practice. Through Cleaning, you can get rid of all the complexities and impurities gathered in the system.

In just a couple of weeks, this has become the Best-Seller Course Techniki radzenia sobie ze stresem!

As of February 2018, subtitles in the following languages have been added to the course: język angielski, hinduski, Tamil, Dutch, Niemiecki, Italian, hiszpański, simplified Chinese, traditional Chinese, Rosyjski, Brazilian Portuguese and Romanian.

How Heartfulness Meditation is changing the lives of millions of people across the globe:

It’s excellent. We can feel how experienced is the teacher in the field of spirituality and meditation. His simple explanations and examples give ample opportunity to understand the concepts. It’s also a very practical course where one can actually experience immediately what has been taught. Very well designed course. Dziękuję Ci.”

-Marion Marceau

Daaji’s instructions and comments were so helpfulI really felt a difference from when I meditate on my own.

-Trudi Richards

The course is very comprehensive. With examples of applications in the real-world it gives one the confidence that it is doable.The instructor is very good. Experienced, engaging and had answers for almost all possible questions that a beginner might have with regard to the process. The in-depth explanations are a good refresher for even the experienced person.

-Sharada Murthy

Der Kurs ist einfach toll. Zusätzlich zu der bekannten Theorie ist es toll es von Daaji selbst noch einmal zu hören. Die Meditationen sind sehr tief. Vielen Dank Daaji.

-Isabel Skudelny

Calmness and peace develop incredible fast and warmth felt in the heart soothes it in a way never felt before.

-Joerg Musmann-Maeter

La préparation puis le ressenti de la méditation : quelque chose de très subtil

-Claudine BRIATORE

and more..

Everyone wants to achieve their goals.I am often asked questions like:

How do I become a better person?

How do I improve my relationships?

How to move from thinking about me to feeling about others?

Is there a way to transform intellect into wisdom?

Can ego make way for humility?

The answers lie in the infinite skies of super-consciousness and in the deepest oceans of sub-consciousness.

An expanded consciousness is the gateway to inner perfection.

Join me on this journey of personal transformation. Awaken the inner potential by accelerating your practice with the help of meditation and yogic transmission. Ten 10 session course is practical and simple. We will have guided meditation sessions and thought experiments. Its perfectly suited to address the excruciating demands of our lifestyles today.

I invite you to leave your beliefs at the door as you enter this experiential practical journey we call Heartfulness.

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