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MS Excel dla kierowników projektów

MS Excel dla kierowników projektów

Cena: $94.99

With about 5 godziny treści, this is the most comprehensive course on how to leverage MS Excel to develop project artifacts that can help you manage projects.

Gain step-by-step instruction on how to develop various project management artifacts leveraging MS Excelfrom the Action Item Document to leveraging pivot tables to generate project financial analysis.

Zebrane informacje pochodzą z konkretnych wcześniejszych doświadczeń zawodowych this is not a theory course but a course to teach you specific step-by-step procedures to leverage MS Excel to develop project management artifacts.

Leverage real-world examples to increase your knowledge of MS Excel as we work through actual artifacts that you will leverage during your project management career.

Each section ends with a project to help reinforce the knowledge attained. Step-by-step documentation is attached to help you build your own project artifact leveraging MS Excel.

Bonus Project: Build your own Gantt Chart timeline tracker in MS ExcelYou will be taken step-by-step to produce your own Gantt chart where you can track the progress of project tasks visually.

Jak długo to zajmie?

Z ponad 40 lectures and about 5 godziny treści, jeśli masz tylko budżet 30 minut dziennie, możesz ukończyć ten kurs w ciągu ok 3 tygodnie.

Czy to dla mnie?

This course is for you if you want to learn step-by-step how to leverage MS Excel to help you manage your day to day project management tasks. Umiejętności, których się tutaj nauczysz, można zastosować w rzeczywistych projektach.

Co jeśli nie rozumiem tematu?

Podczas poruszania się po kursie, Podam monity, w których możesz skontaktować się ze mną na mojej stronie internetowej z pytaniami lub opiniami. OSOBIŚCIE skontaktuję się z Państwem, aby odpowiedzieć na wszelkie pytania.

czasowe testy praktyczne

  • How to create your own Gantt chart project task tracker in MS Excel.

  • Linking MS Excel data to MS PowerPoint to develop robust status report presentations.

  • Pivot Tables and Charting of Project financial data.

  • Mathematical functions such as Sum, Avg, IRR, or NPV and how to use them to analyze which project to undertake.

  • Cell Referencing across multiple worksheets to help you consolidate data into one sheet.

  • Data validation and Conditional Formatting to help your users avoid entering invalid data into your sheets.

  • Lookup functions such as VLOOKUP AND INDEX MATCH to find data nested within data tables.

  • Techniques to help you enter data quickly into your spreadsheets.

  • Czcionka & Border alignment, cell merging, number formats, the format painter, and tab colors/themes.

  • Analytical functions such as SumIf, musisz nauczyć się rozpoznawać destrukcyjne komentarze lub zachowania, Lub, IfError, and CountIf to analyze data that only meets certain conditions.

Dla kogo jest ten kurs:

  • Project Managers who want to leverage MS Excel to develop robust project artifacts

  • Anyone who wants to develop robust analytical tools in MS Excel to analyze data.

  • Senior Managers who want to better understand the project metrics.

  • Analitycy PMO, którzy chcą zrozumieć wyniki finansowe projektów.

  • ten “przypadkowy” project or program manager who wants to understand how to leverage artifacts to do their jobs better.

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