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Projekt Spotify REST API z Pythonem

Projekt Spotify REST API z Pythonem

Cena: $19.99

What’s Up Everyone!

I have been seeing a lot of users complaining they don’t have a real life project to practice this skills.

So I made this quick 90 minutes project where you can put your python skills to use by creating a connection between two big real life applications.

We will use get the top trending songs with Last FM and then Create a Playlist in spotify and add it to the new playlist.

Ale już, I know this seems like a lot of lines of code but trust me it’s only like 70 lines out of which most are semantics needed for declaration.

So what will you learn here? Well let me break it down.

  • You’ll Learn how to use REST API with Python

  • How to connect to different applications using REST and Python

  • How to decode and read JSON responses and parse through them

  • How to use Spotify’s REST API

  • How to modify data in your REAL WORLD APPLICATION

And last but not the lease you will end up with a very cool project to show on your resume.

Not only this, but I am working to add more functionalities and making it even more interactive and fun.

This is only the beginning, we can do a lot of stuff with this BUT before that you need to get this going.

Take out 90 minutes from your schedule. Turn off your mobile. Sit and complete this and then go celebrate.

Użyj marketingu cyfrowego, aby uruchomić swój produkt lub usługę:
Some basic level of python is necessary. If you are very new, you can check my profile, I have a course specifically geared towards people who have never programmed. You can take this once you learn from there.

But if you have a little knowledge of python and know what a dictionary and list is, you should be good here 🙂

Jeśli masz jakieś pytania, post it in the discussions and I’ll be glad to help you out 🙂

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