Practical IT Service Management Foundations

Price: $99.99
This Service Management course teaches you my best practice ITSM approach. As a management consultant, I’ve completed over fifty ITSM implementations around the world. This course gives you the theory behind industry standard service management processes. I’ll also equip you with a practical context to apply these skills in your career. You’ll be able to implement and improve service management processes, sustainably! This course is my proven, best practice approach on service management processes.
Are you done with overpriced Service Management courses? Others might charge you a tenfold of the tuition rates for my class.
Research shows that about 75-85% of all corporate projects fail. Projects either complete over budget, much later than planned, or didn’t complete at all. Hiring and firing temporary, external and expensive expertise through a consulting firm doesn’t bring the sustainable results we’re after: once the consultant leaves the knowledge often leaves as well, leaving you to gradually regress to square one.
This course will teach you all the basics you need to know about managing service in your organization. Knowing the best practise approach that fuelled over fifty Service Management implementations around the world will not only give you the background and context you need: you’ll leave with the tools you need and a proven approach on how to use them to implement and improve your service management processes, sustainably!
Using a case study we’ll introduce all these best practice processes. With the principles from this course you can start to establish a service baseline within any service organization. You’ll also come equipped with best practice implementation ideas that will provide you with practical guidance to take the service levels and process understanding within your organization to the next level.
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