Practice Exams | Microsoft Azure Exam AZ-220 IoT Developer

Price: $19.99
These tests are simulations of what the real exam will be like. If you ace these practice tests, you’ll be in good shape for the actual exam.
Each question has a detailed explanation and links to reference materials to support the answers which ensures accuracy of the problem solutions.
The questions will be shuffled each time you repeat the tests so you will need to know why an answer is correct, not just that the correct answer was item “B” last time you went through the test.
Candidates for this exam should have subject matter expertise developing cloud and edge components of an Azure IoT solution.
Responsibilities for an Azure IoT Developer include managing the device lifecycle–set up, configuration, and maintenance–using cloud services and other tools. You implement designs for Azure IoT solutions including device topology, connectivity, debugging, and security, as well as solutions to manage, monitor, and transform IoT-related data pipelines. You also deploy Azure IoT Edge components and configure device networking on the edge.
An Azure IoT Developer works with data engineers and other stakeholders to ensure successful business integration.
A candidate for this exam should have experience implementing the Azure services that form an IoT solution, including data storage options, data analysis, data processing, and platform-as-a-service options. This role should also be able to recognize Azure IoT service configuration settings within the code portion of an IoT solution and perform specific IoT coding tasks in at least one Azure-supported language, including C#, Node, C, or Python.
This exam measures your ability to implement the IoT solution infrastructure; provision and manage devices; implement solutions on Azure IoT Edge devices; process and manage data; monitor, troubleshoot, and optimize IoT solutions; and implement security.
Skills measured on Microsoft Azure Exam AZ-220: Microsoft Azure IoT Developer
Implement the IoT solution infrastructure (15-20%)
Provision and manage devices (20-25%)
Implement Edge (15-20%)
Process and manage data (15-20%)
Monitor, troubleshoot, and optimize IoT solutions (15-20%)
Implement security (15-20%)
The exam is available in the following languages: English, Japanese, Chinese (Simplified), Korean
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