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3 passos para construir sua liderança e inteligência emocional

3 passos para construir sua liderança e inteligência emocional

Preço: $49.99

Welcome to this journey for leadership and emotional intelligence.

This course has three main goals:

1) Build and develop your leadership skills and emotional intelligence. The course will give you key theoretical and practical knowledge to understand leadership and EQ. You will also be able to develop a critical thinking regarding leadership in order to analyze everyday leaders. You will understand the importance of emotional intelligence and will receive keys to train it. You will be able to develop self awareness and social awareness, and to get hints to train your self regulation and relationship management skills.

2) Get the keys to lead a team efficiently and raise the team emotional intelligence. You will see how to build, desenvolve, and maintain efficient teams through team norms and team cohesion.

3) build knowledge to lead an organization. The course will help you understand how leadership influence the organizational culture, the emotional climate and these elements are linked to creativity and innovation. You will see how the biggest brands created a vision inside the company before spreading it to the customer through the imaginary and service marketing.

Thoughout the course, you will be provided with lectures and practical exercices to train. The information is built on up to date knowledge, based on scientific research and business analysis.

The course is held in english and can be taken by anyone, no previous knowledge is needed.

Sobre arkadmin

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