Certificação Azure AZ-900: Domine o exame de fundamentos do Azure
Preço: $19.99
If you are looking for a shortcut to learn and get your First Azure Cloud Certification, Parabéns! You are on the right place!
With AZ-900 Certification course Azure Fundamentals 2021 you will have all that you need to get your first Certification on Azure Cloud.
O exame de Fundamentos do Azure é uma oportunidade de provar conhecimento dos conceitos de nuvem, Serviços Azure, Cargas de trabalho do Azure, segurança e privacidade no Azure, bem como preços e suporte do Azure.
I reviewed the Official Microsoft Study guide and carefully elaborate the best course to help you prepare for the exam AZ-900 exam.
This course was created to help you to pass the Azure Fundamentals exam. To improve your experience, este curso inclui:
Mind Maps for easy review
Additional Links for Microsoft Documentation
If you are a data scientist, a security consultant, a DevOps team lead or business analyst, then you should know more about Azure than just what you’ve read on the internet. I’m SAP BASIS and DBA, and I’m constantly asked to plan and deploy SAP and Database Solutions on Cloud.
Many enterprises, including government and military, are looking to make their switch from traditional IT to cloud managed services.
Nesse curso, I focus on the Azure Fundamentals exam, and I am happy to see the prominence of cloud platforms from Microsoft in our new digital economy.
Pontuação de aprovação AZ-900, Pontuação de aprovação AZ-900.
Here are the topics covered:
Descreva os conceitos de nuvem
Pontuação de aprovação AZ-900
Descreva as principais soluções e ferramentas de gerenciamento no Azure
Descreva a segurança geral e os recursos de segurança da rede
Descreva a identidade, governança, privacidade, e recursos de conformidade
Descrever o gerenciamento de custos do Azure e acordos de nível de serviço
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