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Command-Line-Tools-for-Genomic-Data-Science Quizzes & respostas – Coursera

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on Command-Line Tools for Genomic Data Science, a crucial skill set for today’s bioinformatics professionals.

This post delves into the fundamental concepts and practical applications of command-line tools, providing insights and resources to enhance your genomic data analysis skills. Stay tuned for our upcoming questionários to test your knowledge and reinforce your learning.

Módulo 1 Questionário

T1. Which of the following Unix commands can be used to view the content of a file?

  • Mais
  • gzip
  • eu
  • cp

Q2. Which of the following commands can be using to compress the content of a file?

  • rmdir
  • CD
  • topo
  • gzip

3º T. O arquivo “meses” lists each of 12 months on a separate line, and no further lines. What would be result if the following command was run:

’cat months | cabeça -1000 | wc -l”’

  • ano
  • 50
  • 12
  • meses

Q4. What is the effect of using the pipe operator “|” in a sequence of commands:

  • Re-direct standard error only
  • Re-direct the standard input or standard output of a command
  • Act as a character separator between different shell commands, without any effects on the outcome
  • Replace the ‘;’ sequencing operator in a complex command

Q5. If typing ‘pwd’ produz “/home/userA/Coursera/L1/”, which of the following commands will list the file content of the current directory?

  • listdir .
  • more *.txt
  • mkdir L1
  • ls /home/userA/Coursera/L1

Q6. Suppose you current working directory is “/home/Coursera/L1/”, e “pêssego”,”maçã”, e “pearare subdirectories, each containing a single file named “genoma”. What would be the current directory, as reported by running the ‘pwd’ comando, after each of the four commands in the sequence below:


  • cd apple
  • rm *
  • CD ../..
  • mv apple plum


    • /home/Coursera/L1/apple
    • /home/Coursera/L1/apple
    • /home/Coursera
    • /home/Coursera
    • L1
    • Coursera
    • maçã
    • plum
    • plum
    • maçã
    • pear
    • strawberry
    • /home/Coursera/L1
    • /home/Coursera/L1/apple
    • L1/apple
    • /home/Coursera/L1

Q7. Consider the file “temporadas” with the following columns separated by space ”:

’cut -d ‘ ‘ -f1,3 seasons | sort -u | wc -l” e “cut -f1 seasons | organizar | unic -c | wc -l”’ ?

  • 4, 6
  • 12, 20
  • 5, 10
  • 12, 12

Q8. Your current working directory is named “Plantas”. Its subdirectory “maçã” contains the filesapple.genome”, “apple.samples” e “apple.genes”. What would be the result of the command’rmdir apple”’?

  • All files containing the string “apple” in their names will be removed
  • None of these choices
  • The command will have no effect, since the directory is not empty
  • The “apple” directory and all of its content will be removed

Q9. Suppose that you have two files, A e B, containing experiment data. What would be the sequence of outputs for the commands:

  • 3, 2, 2
  • 5,2,3
  • 3, 1, 3
  • 2, 4, 5

Q10. The current working directory contains four subdirectories named “maçã”, “pear”, “pêssego” e “strawberry”, each with the following files: “genoma”, “genes”, e “samples”. Which of the following commands wouls extract the top line from all of the “genes” arquivos?

  • cat p/genes strawberry/genes | tail -1
  • cabeça -1 p/genes strawberry/genes
  • Menos /g | cabeça -1
  • cat p/genes strawberry/genes | grep –c 1


Módulo 2 Questionário

T1. Which of the following strings cannot denote a DNA sequence:


Q2. How many lines does it take to specify: Eu) one fasta sequence? and ii) one fastq sequence? Select the best answer:

  • Fasta – 1 linha; fastq – 4 linhas
  • Fasta – a fasta header followed by any number of sequence lines; fastq – 4 linhas
  • Fasta – any number of lines, including a fasta header; fastq – 2 linhas
  • Fasta – 100 linhas; fastq – 2 linhas

3º T. Which of the following is incorrect:

  • The SAM format is used to represent alignments.
  • The BED format can be used to represent gene features.
  • SAMtools flagstats reports the total number of mapped reads.
  • The GTF format can be used to represent gene features.

Q4. Which of the following strings cannot denote a DNA sequence:

  • Soft clipping
  • Cut and paste
  • Hard clipping
  • Padding

Q5. What is the minimum number of columns that are sufficient to specify a BED format?

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4

Q6. Which of the following represents the most accurate conversion into BED of the GTF record?

  • chr1 516 3312 genA.1 100 + 800 900 0 3 296,115,303 0,485,2494
  • chr1 515 3312 genA.1 + 515 3312 0 3 296,115,303 516,1001,3010
  • chr1 516 3312 genA + 516 3312 0 2 296,303 0,2494
  • chr1 515 3312 genA.1 100 + 515 3312 0 3 296,115,303 0,485,2494

Q7. Determine the number of genes, transcrições, exons per transcript, gene orientation (strand), and the length of 5most exon(s) from the GTF snippet below. Select the correct answer.

  • genes: 1; Transcrições: 2; Exons: 2,2; Strand: -; Length of 5’ exon(s): 2736, 2194.
  • genes: 1; Transcrições: 2; Exons: 2,2; Strand: -; Length of 5’ exon(s): 2735, 2193.
  • genes: 1; Transcrições: 1; Exons: 4; Strand: -; Length of 5’ exon(s): 2736.
  • genes: 1; Transcrições: 4; Exons: 1,1,1,1; Strand: -; Length of 5’ exon(s): 2736, 1417,2194,795.

Q8. Which of the following is FALSE for the following read alignments:

  • R1 maps uniquely to the genome.
  • R2’s mate is unmapped.
  • R3 is unmapped.
  • The R1 alignment is the primary mapping (hit index 0) for that read.

Q9. For the alignment below, which statements are FALSE? The binary encoding for 97 é 972 = 0000 0110 00012. Select all answers that apply.

  • The two mates are identical in sequence.
  • The alignment represents a potential PCR or optical duplicate.
  • The read and its mate are not properly aligned as a pair.
  • Both the read and its mate are mapped.
  • This is the first read in the pair.
  • The sequence of the read’s mate is reverse complemented in its alignment.

Q10. Files ‘A.bed. and ‘B.bedcontain the following sets of intervals

  • 5, 5, 5
  • 3, 4, 2
  • 9 , 2, 2
  • 3, 2, 2


Módulo 3 Questionário

T1. Which of the following statements is FALSE:

  • Differences in the genomes of individuals are strong contributors to their phenotypic variations.
  • Different versions of a gene resulted from genomic mutations are called alleles.
  • SNV refers to a Single Nucleotide Variant.
  • SNP refers to a Single Non-defined Polymorhism

Q2. Which of the following statements is FALSE:

  • The VCF format shows the changes in amino acid resulting from the nucleotide mutation, in column 3.
  • The VCF INFO lines describe characteristics of the variant, included in column 8.
  • The BCF format is a binary compressed version of VCF.
  • VCF stands for Variant Call Format.

3º T. What program can be used to generate a list of candidate sites of variation in an exome data set:

  • samtools
  • mkdir
  • bcftools
  • bedtools

Q4. In a comprahansive effort to study genome variation in a patient cohort, you sequence and call variants in the exome. whole genome shotgun and RNA-seq data from each patient. Which of the following is FALSE when comparing these three types of resources:

  • Exome sequencing comprehensively captures variants in the 3’ and 5’ UTRs of genes.
  • Exome sequencing can capture variants in a pre-defined set of coding exons and their immediate surrounding area.
  • Exome sequencing cannot determine variants in novel polymorphic alternative splicing events.
  • Exome sequencing captures fewer variants than whole genome sequencing.

Q5. Which of the following options can be used to allow bowtie2 to generate partial alignments?

  • –local
  • -D
  • –ignore-quals
  • –confidencial

Q6. Select the correct interpretation for the snippet of ‘mpileupoutput below.

  • Only site 2 shows potential variation;

    the alternate letter for site 2 is ‘.’;

    local 1 tem 8 supporting reads, and site 2 tem 16

  • Only site 2 shows potential variation;

    the alternate letter for site 2 is G;

    local 1 tem 8 supporting reads, and site 2 tem 16

  • Only site 2 shows potential variation;

    the alternate letter for site 2 is A;

    local 1 tem 8 supporting reads, and site 2 tem 16

  • Only site 2 shows potential variation;

    the alternate letter for site 2 is A;

    the alternate allele for site 2 is supported by 9 reads

Q7. Given the set of variants described in the VCF excerpt below, which of the following is FALSE?

  • Average mapping quality for variant 3 é 40
  • The sample contains only the alternate allele for variant 1
  • The sample contains only the alternate allele for variant 3
  • The sample contains both alleles for variant 2

Q8. What does the following code do:

  • Run bowtie2 with a set of single-end reads, reporting the best alignment only;

    then determine the number of matches on each genomic sequence

  • Run bowtie2 with a set of single-end reads, reporting up to 5 alignments per read; then determine the number of matches on each genomic sequence

  • Run bowtie2 with a set of paired-end reads, allowing for local matches;

    then report the numbers of alignments containing insertions and deletions, respectivamente;

  • Run bowtie2 with a set of paired-end reads, allowing up to 10 matches per read;

    then report the number of matches on each genomic sequence

Q9. What does the following snippet of code do NOT do:

  • Produce a 7-column intermediate mpileup file that is piped to ‘cut’
  • Report an empty column
  • Report in the intermediate mpileup output the qualities of all read bases aligned at that position
  • Require a sorted BAM file

Q10. What does the following code do NOT do:

  • Write the output to file out.vcf.gz
  • Report all candidate sites
  • Take input from the file in.vcf.gz
  • Take input from a VCF compressed file

Módulo 4 Questionário

T1. Which of the following is FALSE:

  • Alternative splicing is a common phenomenon in both animals and plants.
  • The coding region with a protein-coding gene is used as the template for forming a protein.
  • A codon is a nucleotide triplet that is translated into one amino acid.
  • A human gene can express at most 12 splice variants.

Q2. Which of the following is FALSE about the organization of a eukaryotic gene:

  • Genes that have only one exon are not alternatively spliced
  • Some eukaryoyic genes are single exon
  • The length of the coding region in a transcript must be a multiple of 3
  • The length of intron cannot be a multiple 3

3º T. What programs could you use to align RNA-seq reads to: Eu) a reference genome, and ii) a transcript database?

  • cufflinks, bowtie
  • tophat, As cores que vemos em um arco-íris são criadas pela luz refletida em gotículas de água e se dividindo em diferentes comprimentos de onda
  • tophat, bowtie
  • tophat, cufflinks

Q4. Which of the following is FALSE:

  • As measures of gene expression, RPKM is determined at the level of reads and FPKM is determined at the level of fragments.
  • FPKM stands for fragments-per-kilobase of cDNA sequence-per million reads.
  • The sums of FPKM values of all genes in a sample is 1,000,000.
  • The sums of FPKMs of all transcripts of a gene is equal to the gene’s expression level.

Q5. What programs could be used to i) assemble transcripts from RNA-seq reads, and ii) identify potentially novel transcripts and genes

  • cufflinks, cuffcompare
  • tophat, cuffcompare
  • tophat, bowtie
  • tophat, samtools

Q6. Which of the following is FALSE about the gene annotations in the following GTF snippet:

  • The two transcripts for gene MG051951 overlap on the genome.
  • It contains only one gene, MG051951.
  • Gene MG051951 has two transcripts, MT162897 and MT070533.
  • Transcript MT162897 has a single exon.

Q7. What does the following code NOT do:

  • Report spliced reads with at most 6 mismatches in the anchor site
  • Create the output in the /home/me/SRR100000 directory
  • Run multi-threaded, com 10 threads
  • Report only reads with 10 or fewer alignments on the genome

Q8. What does the following code NOT do:

  • Label cufflinks transcripts with the prefix ‘Test1’
  • Use the default reference transcript annotation to guide assembly
  • Run cufflinks to assemble transcripts
  • Create a soft link to the BAM read alignment file in the Test1 directory

Q9. Which of the following is NOT described in the following summary file produced by tophat:

  • 94.0% of the mate 2 reads were mapped
  • Of the mapped mate 1 reads, 11.7% had multiple matches on the genome
  • The library was strand-specific
  • Of the mapped mate 2 reads, 5.0% had multiple matches on the genome

Q10. Which of the following is NOT TRUE about the output below, obtained from a cuffdiff differential expression analysis:

  • Locus XLOC_000004 corresponds to gene AT1G01073
  • There are too many alignments for testing for differential expression at locus XLOC_000004
  • Locus XLOC_000042 corresponds to gene AT1G01580
  • There are not enough alignments for testing for differential expression at locus XLOC_000004


  • Helen Bassey

    Oi, Eu sou Helena, um redator de blog apaixonado por postar conteúdos interessantes no nicho educacional. Acredito que a educação é a chave para o desenvolvimento pessoal e social, e quero compartilhar meu conhecimento e experiência com alunos de todas as idades e origens. No meu blog, você encontrará artigos sobre tópicos como estratégias de aprendizagem, Educação online, orientação profissional, e mais. Também agradeço comentários e sugestões de meus leitores, então fique à vontade para deixar um comentário ou entrar em contato comigo a qualquer momento. Espero que você goste de ler meu blog e o considere útil e inspirador.

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Oi, Eu sou Helena, um redator de blog apaixonado por postar conteúdos interessantes no nicho educacional. Acredito que a educação é a chave para o desenvolvimento pessoal e social, e quero compartilhar meu conhecimento e experiência com alunos de todas as idades e origens. No meu blog, você encontrará artigos sobre tópicos como estratégias de aprendizagem, Educação online, orientação profissional, e mais. Também agradeço comentários e sugestões de meus leitores, então fique à vontade para deixar um comentário ou entrar em contato comigo a qualquer momento. Espero que você goste de ler meu blog e o considere útil e inspirador.

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