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Bem-vindo ao! O seu registo irá conceder-lhe o acesso ao uso de mais recursos desta plataforma. Você pode fazer perguntas, fazer contribuições ou fornecer respostas, ver perfis de outros usuários e muito mais. Registrar agora!

Habilidades de Estudo – Become an A+ Student

Habilidades de Estudo – Become an A+ Student

Preço: $74.99

Do you ever feel left behind? Do you feel that studying and learning is too complicated for you?

Not any more!

There are loads of bonus videos as well.

*New Video added June 2021 – Música – Does It Help?

*New Video added February 2021 – Learning Styles Truth or Myth?

*New Video added July 2019 – Wake Up and Enjoy the Summer!

*New Lesson added April 12 2019 – Master Multiple Choice Tests.

*Student Survival Guide booklet

As students, we all want to learn as much as we can from any course we take.

We would like to get the best grade, também!

This course will help you achieve that goal. It will help you work toward becoming that A+ student you always wanted to be.

The lectures are well explained and there are assignments, discussions, and quizzes to help you retain the information and practice your new knowledge.

(Don’t be afraidthe assignments are optional!)

Além disso, you have the option to receive feedback on assignments from me (no additional fees for this bonus!).

Eu acabei 20 years experience teaching students of all ages and abilities.

If you are a student between the ages of 12 para 112, this course has tools that will assist you to develop better study and learning strategies.

If you are a parent who wants the best education for your child, Become an A+ Student can help you know what steps to take.

The course is active and alive with discussions and new information being added over time to increase the value to you at no additional cost!

I genuinely look forward to working with you.

Let’s start learning.

Sobre arkadmin

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