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The Developing Emotional Intelligence Program

The Developing Emotional Intelligence Program

Preço: $129.99

The Developing Emotional Intelligence Program, includes 5 sections also presented as individual courses for your convenience:

  1. Defining Emotional Intelligence,

  2. Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace,

  3. Inteligência Emocional e Trabalho em Equipe,

  4. Increasing Emotional Intelligence, e

  5. Liderança Emocionalmente Inteligente.

1. Defining Emotional Intelligence

Deep feelings and emotions act as necessary guides when humans face situations too important to defer to the intellect alone.

In all decision-making and action situations, feelings count as much, if not more, than rational thought. De fato, there has been far too much emphasis on rational thought (QI) in the past when evaluating human behavior and potential.

In this course you’ll gain an understanding of the emotional intelligence theory, and you’ll explore the basis of emotional intelligence by examining the following four areas:

  • the purpose of emotions,

  • managing emotions,

  • the impact of emotional intelligence,

  • what it takes to become emotionally literate.

2. Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace

Can you measure your intelligence simply by taking an IQ test? Will your SAT scores determine your on-the-job success?

Studies show that emotional intelligence plays a role that’s just as, if not more, important than IQ. By developing your people skills, you’ll have a positive effect on your career.

Nesse curso, you’ll explore:

  • what emotional intelligence is,

  • how to realistically evaluate yourself,

  • why it’s important to manage your emotions, e

  • how self-motivation affects your career.

3. Inteligência Emocional e Trabalho em Equipe

Grupos são comuns no local de trabalho. Por que alguns grupos de trabalho florescem, enquanto outros parecem se arrastar para trás? Os membros da equipe desenvolvem uma cultura que contribui fortemente para o seu sucesso.

Alguns grupos têm uma atmosfera de entusiasmo e capacidade de adaptação. Outros resistem à mudança e têm uma opinião negativa, ambiente inibidor de crescimento. A capacidade de lidar com as emoções de maneira adequada e trabalhar bem com os outros é conhecida como inteligência emocional..

Essa competência influencia o sucesso da equipe. Participação e colaboração são fundamentais para o sucesso da sua equipe. Nesse curso, você explorará a importância dessas características para atingir os objetivos do grupo.

Você também examinará:

  • as competências necessárias para se tornar um membro eficaz da equipe,

  • as técnicas para lidar com emoções,

  • as formas de avaliar a inteligência emocional da sua equipe, e

  • as estratégias para melhorar a inteligência emocional da sua equipe.

Equipes estelares não aparecem do nada. Eles são formados pelas pessoas certas no lugar certo. Essas equipes têm o apoio e o incentivo necessários para ter sucesso.

Os membros da equipe estão comprometidos com o sucesso do grupo e trabalham para aprimorar suas habilidades para prosperar no ambiente de negócios acelerado de hoje.. Este curso irá ajudá-lo a contribuir de forma eficaz para o crescimento da sua equipe.

Increasing Emotional Intelligence

Are the most successful peopleintellectuals”? Or do they have a different kind of brainpower that helps them excel in the workplace? How can you increase yourpeople smarts”?

Primeiro, you’ll need a strong understanding of emotional intelligence. Então, you will need to understand how and what you need to improve.

Nesse curso, you’ll examine:

  • how emotional and intellectual intelligence differ,

  • why emotional intelligence matters at work,

  • where emotional intelligence comes from, e

  • how to improve your emotional intelligence.

In today’s workplace, you need emotional intelligence to get along with others. o “estrelas” around you outshine others because of their ability to use their emotions effectively.

Most people believe that emotions are automatic responses over which they have no control. Na realidade, emotions are determined by what you think.

There are concrete techniques to help you gain control of your feelings. Nesse curso, you’ll gain the skills needed to increase your emotional intelligence.

Liderança Emocionalmente Inteligente

Emotional intelligence is a popular concept. How does it relate to your effectiveness as a leader? This course delves into the importance of emotional intelligence to today’s leaders.

You’ll examine:

  • why leaders need emotional intelligence,

  • how you can acquire emotional intelligence,

  • why it’s important to develop your staff, e

  • how you can increase others’ inteligencia emocional.

This course will provide you with a step-by-step guide to increasing your effectiveness as a leader. You’ll learn proven techniques for improving your relationship with your staff. You will also examine leadership strategies for getting more work done with less stress.

É isso aí! Agora vá em frente e empurre isso “Faça este curso” botão, e vejo você por dentro!

Sobre arkadmin

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