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Трехэтапный процесс сдачи экзаменов по управлению ИТ-услугами

Трехэтапный процесс сдачи экзаменов по управлению ИТ-услугами

Цена: $94.99

**** This course is a preparation of IT Service Management for students seeking for IT Service Management awareness. ****

The ‘Information Technology Infrastructure Library’ is a series of processes for refining and improving an IT service lifecycle. It helps to boost the capabilities of organizations, processes and people, ensuring that when changes to technology or business practices leave them vulnerable, they can adapt quickly and stay on top of the competition.. It is designed to help businesses manage risks, strengthen customer relations, establish cost-effective practices and build stable IT environments for growth, scale and change.

The main strength of IT service management likes in its versatility. The practices are scalable and flexible, allowing organizations to take on as much or as little of them as they like.

An important thing to keep in mind is that IT Service Management is not built around a specific business model. Скорее, it is based on the collective experience of IT professionals. It has been applied across multiple industries, helped mainly by the fact that virtually every industry in the world now relies on IT in one form or another.

By investing in implementing IT Service Management you can expect to:

  • Better understand your customers so that you can deliver services which suit their needs. This will help you to build long-term relationships and improve your reputation

  • Learn how to establish a guide on how to predict and react to issues with your service, incorporating multiple factors such as user experience rather than simply focusing on IT development

  • Increase productivity and improve resource management by establishing cost-effective guidelines

  • Manage risks without disrupting or unintentionally sabotaging your service

  • Create a stable service development environment which supports ongoing change

  • Ensure greater alignment between IT and other arms of your business. This can be vital for enterprise architecture development

  • Improve your risk management process by predicting and reducing service disruptions and failures

  • Create networking opportunities and ease collaboration by incorporating IT Service Management’s terms and methodologies into your business

  • Raise the value of your service portfolio

  • Quickly adapt to changes in technology, compliance and so on in order to continue growing and maintain your competitive advantage

  • Raise the profile of your business with a globally recognized certification


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