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Agile для команд безопасности

Agile для команд безопасности

Цена: $49.99

Many of our students are already professionals or aim to be part of a red or blue team. That means human interactions, and here it is not enough to have strong technical skills, one needs also soft skills and software methodologies knowledge in order to cope with all the processes in place and the way a team works.

As the name suggests, we will cover only the Agile principles and methodologies in this class, since they are by far the most used and abused in the software industry world.

This course is different from our previous classes, as it is less technical and more people oriented. We will understand together the team player skills a cybersecurity professional must have in a fast ever changing business environment. We will insist on “Почему?” teams adopt the Agile principles and “Как?” they work on a daily basis, since we consider that it’s important for students to understand WHAT we’re trying to achieve and WHY.

Main topics covered:

  • Agile Mindset

  • Scrum methodology

  • Tools used in Agile projects

PRACTICE : 5 Assignments and a final Test your knowledge Quiz!

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