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Гибкая трансформация программного обеспечения для начинающих 2021

Гибкая трансформация программного обеспечения для начинающих 2021

Цена: $24.99

Ever wondered why agile software increases productivity and customer satisfaction while delivering quality software?

Why do some people claim agile software helped them become more organized?

This course will take you from level zero of agile development all the way to being independent and able to choose your own approach in your agile transformation journey. We’re going to look at all the essential basics you need to know before you start transforming your company into an agile company.

Following the pandemic that hit the world, companies now require organization of work more than ever. With extensive experience in agile transformation, обучение, управление проектом, business analysis and project leadership in general, Omar will lead you through a deeper understanding of agile and its transformation in the digital age.

By the end of this course you will have understood:

  • The need for agile software development

  • The agile manifesto’s values and principles

  • The popular agile concepts

  • The popular agile approaches

  • The popular agile practices

  • How to transform your company on your own

People this course is targeting:

  • Agile practitioners

  • Скрам-мастера

  • Владельцы продукта

  • Менеджеры проекта

  • Предприниматели

This course is aimed at passing on the deeper knowledge and experience, however helpful and rich it may be, this course is not a direct reference for an exam or certification and should not be taken to prepare exams.

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