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Arduino шаг за шагом : Ваш полный гид

Arduino шаг за шагом : Ваш полный гид

Цена: $19.99

This course is for the new Arduino Beginner .

Ты взволнованный to do useful and fun projects like a робот или же home control system that controlled your home and you are abroad ….так далее ?

У вас есть страсть for learning?

If you answered “да!” to both, then you are ready to get started!

so you need Learn the Arduino platform and programming language to create robots, interactive art displays, electronic toys, home automation tools, Настройка параметров расчета формулы.

The Arduino is an open-source electronics platform based on easy-to-use hardware and software. Sensing the environment by receiving inputs from many sensors, Arduino affects its surroundings by controlling lights, моторы, and a number of other accessories. It’s intended for anyone making interactive hardware projects.

This course is designed to introduce the Arduino hardware and programming environment to get you started on building projects as soon as possible.

Этот курс поможет вам проверить свои идеи и схемы без риска сжечь плату. This course is designed for anyone interested in learning electronic design. No experience is required, and all you need is an Arduino and several low cost components.

Кто целевая аудитория?

  • Students over 10 возраст, or younger with with adult supervision.
  • Students with a little or no prior experience with electronics or programming.
  • Anyone with a curiosity for making electronics.
  • People with no experience in electronics.
  • People with an intermediate knowledge of electronics.

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