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Практические испытания AZ-900 | Основы Microsoft Azure | Мар 21

Практические испытания AZ-900 | Основы Microsoft Azure | Мар 21

Цена: $19.99

New questions added for the latest changes to the exam, Ноя 9, 2020. This practice exam is completely up-to-date with new requirements.

Want to test your exam readiness for the Microsoft Azure Foundation Certificate (AZ-900) to gain the confidence to pass your certification exam? Then these ultimate sets of practice exams are for you!

Обновления курса:

v2.4 – февраль 2021

  1. Removed some old questions & added new questions with the more exam-related pattern.

  2. Updated explanations of few questions.

v2.3 – Янв 2021

  1. Removed some old questions & added new questions with more exam related pattern.

  2. Corrected reference links that were broken as Microsoft disabled many.

v2.2 – Декабрь 2020

  1. Removed some old questions.

  2. Added new questions with more exam related pattern.

v2.1 – Ноя 2020

  1. Updated practice tests to cover topics introduced in November 2020 changes for Az-900

  2. Added Set 6 с 50 additional questions

v1.2 – октябрь 2020

  1. Added new practice questions, now each set has 50 вопросов, в общей сложности 250 вопросов

  2. Updated questions as per actual exam format

    • Single Select optionSelect one option from the provided options

    • Multiple Select options Select multiple options from the provided options

    • Dropdown select This question requires you to select the correct option from the dropdown

    • Correct the Statement Validate if the option provided in the statement is correct, двигайте их во всех направлениях, чтобы увидеть, дрейфует ли он, select the correct option from the provided options

    • Drag n Drop This question requires you to drag the appropriate term from the column on the left to its description on the right

  3. For all questions, у меня есть updated the explanations with more details, диаграммы, and links to improve your learning experience.

  4. Removed some duplicate topic questions

v1.1 – сентябрь 2020

  • added more detailed explanations with additional tips

  • added Set 5 с 45 вопросов

Экзамен по основам Azure - это возможность подтвердить знание облачных концепций, Службы Azure, Рабочие нагрузки Azure, безопасность и конфиденциальность в Azure, а также цены и поддержка Azure. Кандидаты должны быть знакомы с общими технологическими концепциями., включая концепции сетей, место хранения, вычислить, поддержка приложения, и разработка приложений.

AZ-900 Exam will measure your skills based on the following four skills

  • Облачные концепции (20-25%)

  • Core Azure Services (15-20%)

  • Core solutions and management tools on Azure (10-15%)

  • General security and network security features (10-15%)

  • Личность, управление, Конфиденциальность, и особенности соответствия (20-25%)

  • Azure cost management and Service Level Agreements (10-15%)

Each Practice set contains

  • 50 questions from six categories, one-hour duration

  • a balanced number of random questions to cover each category

  • Questions are as per actual exam format

  • Detailed explanation of each правильный а также incorrect отвечать

  • Reference diagrams to explain the topic

  • Reference links for further studies


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