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Basic Concepts: Programmable Digital Logic Design with VHDL

Basic Concepts: Programmable Digital Logic Design with VHDL

Цена: $19.99

Hello Dear Student ,

First of all I welcome you , for Learning this Basic Concepts of Programmable Digital Logic Design course using VHDL Programming .

This Course is targeted for Absolute Beginners .

There is lot of Scope for the VLSI / IC Chip ( ASICs ) дизайн & Programmable IC sFPGAs . Its applications are increasing day by day .

World’s Top Leading companies Like Intel , яблоко , Xilinx , ST Microelectronics , Samsung , Sony , Philips , Microchip , РУКА , AMD , nvidia ,HP , IBM , Broadcom etc . are involved in the Design , Исследование & Development of IC Chip Design / Programmable IC Chip Design and also , Cadence , Synopsys , Mentor Graphics , Xilinx , Intel etc. which are the companies involved in developing EDA Tools in which VHDL / Verilog / System Verilog Programming is used in their IDEs / Инструменты .

This Course is basically for first time Learner of VHDL Programming & first time Learner of Programmable Digital Logic IC/ Design Concepts . This course covers the VHDL Programming aspects only for Basic Digital Logic Design .

It is a very short Duration course ..

It gives a very quick learning Technique of VHDL Programming as applied to CPLD & FPGAProgrammable Logic IC Chip(s) at a very Basic Level.

Instead of going through Books , at the beginning , for Learning , it is a good approach to start directly the Programming Practice session & to understand the basic Design methodology / Basic Flow for Learning , without wasting much time . Мы создадим несколько крутых проектов, которые будут мотивировать вас изучать концепции электроники». , you may refer the Books on VHDL programming .

I have explained few VHDL Programming Case studies in this Course .

I hope , you will enjoy learning , this Course .

Спасибо .

Pravinkumar P. Ambekar


Около arkadmin

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