Boost Your Productivity: Adapt, Узнать что, Делать!
Цена: $49.99
Посмотрите, I’ll cut the small talk.
это short one hour productivity course will help you deal with your inner brakes that stop you from achieving your goals.
There’s nobody blocking you more from achieving your goals than yourself.
And it doesn’t really matter if they we are talking personal or professional productivity. Goals are goals and achieving or failing to achieve them follows the same principles.
Так HOW DO I PLAN to get you from “wanting” в “делает”?
- We’ll start with your willpower because that’s what we lack most of the times. We’ll take a look at the science of willpower, how it works and train this “мускул“.
- Then we go over Мотивация и общение в бизнесе. But not the old fashion way where all I do is get you hyped. That doesn’t last. We analyze your WHY and give you a reason to be motivated.
- Moving on we have your привычки. And as the saying goes: “We first make our habits then they make us.”
- The next obvious step is goal setting. Once you have the willpower, motivation and habits to achieve them, it’s necessary to make sure they are the right ones. “You don’t want to climb to the top of the ladder of success and realize it’s leaning against the wrong wall.”
- Once goals are out of the way, we go over your принятие решений process because this is what most often blocks you or slows you from achieving your goals. And we’ll focus extensively on you not lying to yourself, because nobody can exploit your weaknesses more than you.
- And last but not least we cover your comfort zone and how you can consistently expand it and achieve bigger and bigger things each time you put your mind to it.
If you watch this productivity course and APPLY at least one thing you learn from it, you will get significant improvement in that area of your life.
It’s as simple as that. No secret recipe of productivity, no magic.
The only variable that I have zero control over and you are the only one that has, является YOU TAKING ACTION.
Вот и все.
Right now you might lack some concepts to achieve your goals, but after watching the course all you’ll lack will be ACTION.
Мой ONLY GOAL with this productivity course is to get an email from YOU, 4 weeks from now, поговорка:
“I did that thing you said in Lecture X and got these results. Спасибо.”
And that THANK YOU is MY WIN.
Так, Наслаждаться!
And remember what’s essential….DOING!
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