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Digital Twin :  A Comprehensive Overview

Digital Twin : A Comprehensive Overview

Цена: Бесплатно

This course titled “Digital Twin : A Comprehensive Overview” is designed to provide naive learners to understand the basics of Digital Twin so they can get into either technical or functional nitty gritties of working in the trending domain of Digital Twin.

The course comprises of 46 Лекции divided into 18 Разделы starting with a brief introduction to Industry 4.0 , Real time usage of Digital Twin today followed by Basics, essentials, and advanced concepts of Digital Twin. While one learns the technical essentials we next provide some idea about various use cases which will benefit from Digital Twin adoption.

Next we present Questionnaire to decide whether an organisation can benefit from adopting Digital Twin, followed by the Benefits, Challenges and Impact of Digital Twins and concludes with a brief overview of Companies, Careers and Future opportunities for Digital Twin.

Watchout for upcoming courses providing deep dive into Digital Twin.


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