Открой себя: Ценности, научно доказанные методы понимания и практики, Зрение, эквалайзер, и более
Цена: $19.99
This course will help you transform your life by getting clarity on the things that matter most to you. Once you complete all the assignments in this course, you will have sharpened your lens on life, helping you make better decisions and ultimately live your best life.
This course will help you:
- Explore your ideal life
- Discover your personal values
- Discover your strengths
- Discover your personality type
- Assess your emotional intelligence
- Discover your career interests
- Tackle your fears
- Define your personal mission statement
- Define your personal vision statement
- Set goals for work and life
You will receive a comprehensive workbook with activities and assignments to complement the instruction offered in this course.
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