

забытый пароль

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Добавить запись

Вы должны войти в систему, чтобы добавить запись .

Добавить вопрос

Вы должны авторизоваться, чтобы задать вопрос.



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Effective Email Communication: Enhancing Your Voice at Work

Effective Email Communication: Enhancing Your Voice at Work

Цена: $39.99

Email is a primary method of communication; тем не мение, many are not aware of appropriate skills and strategies for communicating effectively. В этом курсе, learners will build knowledge and understanding of email communication with the intent of improving both clarity and effectiveness. Course topics will include the following:

  • understanding the nature of email communication
  • considering the nature of an intended audience
  • appropriate process for crafting an email
  • strategies for enhancing communication in email message
  • managing email inbox

Learners will have the opportunity to practice and reflect throughout the course.

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