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Elecosoft (Asta) Powerproject for Unresourced Projects

Elecosoft (Asta) Powerproject for Unresourced Projects

Цена: $94.99


The course objectives are to teach participants how to create projects without resources, форматирование, печать, creating a baseline and updating an un-resourced project, topics covered are:

  • The user interface,

  • How to create a projects,

  • Scheduling projects without resources,

  • Фильтры, Просмотры, Sorts and Printing,

  • Creating and assigning a baseline and

  • Updating an un-resourced project.

Most chapters are reinforced by student


The course has the following modules:

1. Introduction to Asta Powerproject and Creating a project

2. Navigation and Setting Options

3. Calendars

4. Задачи и этапы

5. Summary Tasks

6. Linking Tasks to create a Critical Path Schedule and Reschedule

7. Ограничения

8. Other Task Types

9. Форматирование дисплея

10. Code Libraries

11. Фильтры

12. Organising Tasks using Group and Sorts

13. Printing and Reports

14. Baselines

15. Updating an Unresourced Project

16. Library Explorer

17. User Definable Fields and WBS.


Paul Harris holds an Honours Degree in Civil Engineering obtained in the UK and is a Certified Cost Engineer through AACE International, a PRINCE2TM Registered Practitioner and a “Managing Successful Programmes” Registered Practitioner. He has worked in the project controls industry for a number of years and has assisted many companies in a range of industries to set up and run project controls systems. His Melbourne, Australia based company, Eastwood Harris Pty Ltd, offers project controls consulting and training services worldwide with a strong focus on Microsoft Project and Primavera planning software.


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