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Emotional Intelligence and Teamwork

Emotional Intelligence and Teamwork

Цена: $79.99

В Emotional Intelligence and Teamwork course is the third of five included in the Программа развития эмоционального интеллекта, также представлены в виде отдельных курсов для вашего удобства.

Groups are common in the workplace. Why do some work groups flourish, while others seem to drag behind? Team members develop a culture which contributes strongly to their success.

Some groups have an atmosphere of excitement and an ability to adapt. Others resist change and have a negative, growth-inhibiting environment. The ability to handle emotions appropriately and work well with others is known as emotional intelligence.

This competency factors into the team’s success. Participation and collaboration are key to the success of your team. В этом курсе, you’ll explore the importance of these characteristics in accomplishing group goals.

You’ll also examine:

  • the competencies needed to become an effective team member,

  • the techniques for handling emotions,

  • the ways to evaluate your team’s emotional intelligence, а также

  • the strategies for improving your team’s emotional intelligence.

Stellar teams don’t appear out of thin air. They’re made up of the right people in the right place. These teams have the support and encouragement they need to succeed.

Team members are committed to the success of the group and they work to enhance their abilities to thrive in today’s fast-paced business environment. This course will help you contribute effectively to your team’s growth.

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