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How to develop your intuition with yoga principles

How to develop your intuition with yoga principles

Цена: $89.99

Would you like to take the right decisions in your life but you find it difficult? Your soul already knows what’s the right path for you. It’s much more wiser than your logical mind. А также, it communicates to you through intuition.

А также, now you might be thinking: “It’s easy to say butnot so easy to do!”

I totally understand, it also happened to me at the beginning

Everybody has intuition but if you have troubles listening to it, I’m here to guide you!

I will help you not only to develop your intuition using yogic techniques but also to overcome the most frequent obstacles we all have.

This course is inspired in the bookIntuition for Startersby Swami Kriyananda (J. Donald Walters), a direct disciple of the renowned Indian Yogi Paramahansa Yogananda. I embraced and practiced his teachings for more than 7 years now so I am now transmitting them to you with my own personal experience.

In this course I will be teaching you:

1) How to tune into your intuition, identify the 3 levels of consciousness + the intelligence of the heart

2) What’s true intuition and how to recognize false guidance

3) How to overcome the most common obstacles that block the use of your inner guidance: the logical mind, not feeling anything, страх, pleasing others…так далее

4) Meditation techniques and yoga practices for developing your intuition

5) Tips and recommendations for developing your intuition in your daily life.

6) And…I will also share with you the main secrets for developing your intuition.


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