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Intuition Development for Beginners | Energy Healing & Tarot

Intuition Development for Beginners | Energy Healing & Tarot

Цена: $99.99

Хочешь верь, хочешь нет, finding the answers to some of life’s hardest questions are all within your grasp. You just need to understand как to ask the questions, тогда как to listen for the answers!

In Nicola’s аккредитованный курс, you will have fun while learning how to get confirmation of your inner knowing, how to identify and interpret the answers in everyday life and how to discover what’s in your way.

The course includes Nicola’s handbook, in depth tutorials, guided visualisations, practical activities and learning supplements.

более того, once you’re done with the course, you’ll have the option to receive extra bonuses including bonus audios, additional practical activities and a course completion certificate!

Additional benefits of completing this course are spiritual growth, inner peace, enhancing inner wisdom, clearer decision making, increased confidence and personal awareness.


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