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ISO / IEC 20000-1. Система управления услугами

ISO / IEC 20000-1. Система управления услугами

Цена: $44.99

The purpose of the course is to facilitate the understanding of the requirements for a Service management system as they are formulated by the international standard ISO/IEC 20000-1:2018.

The structure of the course follows the requirements of the standard and includes:

an introductive part that discusses the definition of a Service management system and general aspects about ISO/IEC 20000 series of international standads, including ISO/IEC 20000-1, ISO / IEC 20000-2 and ISO/IEC 20000-3.

Context of the organization (Clause 4 of ISO/IEC 20000-1:2018) – internal and external issues relevant to the Service management system, needs and expectations of interested parties and the scope of the Service management system.

Позитивная психология (Clause 5 of ISO/IEC 20000-1:2018) – the support and commitment of the top management, the service management policy, роли, responsibilities and authorities for the Service management system.

Планирование (Clause 6 of ISO/IEC 20000-1:2018) – risks and opportunities for the Service management system, service management objectives and the service management plan.

Support of the Service Management System (Clause 7 of ISO/IEC 20000-1:2018) – Ресурсы, competence, awareness, связь, documented information and the knowledge required to support the Service management system

Operation of the Service Management System (Clause 8 of ISO/IEC 20000-1:2018) – service portfolio, relationship and agreement, supply and demand, service design, build and transition, resolution and fulfillment, service assurance

Performance evaluation (Clause 9 of ISO/IEC 20000-1:2018) – мониторинг, измерение, analysis and evaluation, internal audits of the Service management system and the management review

Improvement (Clause 10 of ISO/IEC 20000-1:2018) – the management of nonconformities and corrective actions and the continual improvement of the Service Management System.

Certification to ISO/IEC 20000-1for service providers and for individualsis also covered in the course.

The questions are similar to those that you may have to answer if you plan to become certified as a Service management professional.

Get all the key information about a Service management system and the requirements of international standard ISO/IEC 20000-1:2018


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