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JAMB представляет ключевые изменения для 2024/2025 Приемный цикл: Что тебе нужно знать

JAMB представляет ключевые изменения для 2024/2025 Приемный цикл: Что тебе нужно знать

На знаковом политическом совещании, состоявшемся в июле 18, 2024, Объединенная комиссия по приему и зачислению (косяк), в сотрудничестве с ключевыми заинтересованными сторонами, объявила о нескольких важных обновлениях в процессе приема на 2024/2025 академическая сессия. These changes are designed to streamline operations, boost transparency, and ensure strict adherence to established standards. Here’s a breakdown of what prospective candidates and educational institutions should expect:

New Age Requirement for JAMB Admissions

Starting from the 2025 академическая сессия, only candidates aged 18 and above will be eligible for admission into Nigerian tertiary institutions. This is a significant shift from the previous policy that allowed students as young as 16 применять. The new age policy will be prominently advertised beginning in November 2024, in line with the registration kick-off for the 2025 JAMB exams.

Integrated O-Level Data for Streamlined Admissions

JAMB has simplified the admissions process by allowing admission officers to access candidatesO-Level results directly through the Central Admissions Processing System (CAPS). This move eliminates the need for students to submit physical copies of their results during the screening phase, significantly reducing administrative hurdles and the potential for errors.

Biometric Data and Photograph Submission: Simplified Process

Для 2024 admissions cycle, institutions will no longer require candidates to provide biometric data or photographs during the screening process. These essential details will now be handled directly by JAMB, ensuring enhanced privacy protection and a more efficient verification process for applicants.

Post-UTME Fees Capped at ₦2000

JAMB has introduced a firm cap on Post-UTME screening fees, setting the maximum charge at ₦2000. This regulation ensures that all candidates, regardless of their financial background, can participate in the screening process without facing undue financial burdens. Institutions must comply with this fee structure to prevent any form of exploitation.

Data Correction Deadline for 2024 Кандидаты

Candidates preparing for the 2025 JAMB exam and wishing to correct any personal or academic information must complete all updates by October 31, 2024. This deadline ensures there is ample time for adjustments, paving the way for a smooth registration process.

Strict Policy on Illegal Admissions

JAMB has reinforced its zero-tolerance policy on illegal admissions. Starting from the 2024 цикл, all admissions must be processed exclusively through CAPS. Any admissions not reflected on the national matriculation list will be considered illegal, null, and void. Such candidates will not be recognised as legitimate students, and their admissions will be classified as fake. This move further strengthens the integrity of Nigeria’s higher education admissions system.

Final Thoughts on JAMB’s 2024 Admission Updates

These updates underscore JAMB’s ongoing commitment to enhancing the admissions process for Nigerian tertiary institutions. Prospective students and institutions alike must adhere to these guidelines to ensure a seamless, прозрачный, and fair admissions cycle. By complying with these regulations, JAMB aims to preserve the credibility of the admissions system and uphold the standards of Nigeria’s educational framework.

Stay informed about the latest changes to JAMB policies to ensure a hassle-free admission process for 2024 и за его пределами!


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