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Learn to Solve Mathematics Problems with Python Programming

Learn to Solve Mathematics Problems with Python Programming

Цена: $19.99

The course is designed for those who are interested in Mathematics as well as programming. In this course students will learn Mathematics Concepts. For these mathematics concepts students will learn to develop Python Program.

In this course students will learn following in Python Programming:

  1. Installation of Python.

  2. Execute Python Programs on Jupyter Notebook.

  3. Display message on Screen using Python.

  4. Develop Python program to demonstrate use of Operators.

  5. Develop Python program to demonstrate Decision Making[если, if-else, if-elif-else]

  6. Perform Operations on Data Structures(список, tuple, dictionary and set) в Питоне.

  7. Develop Functions for given problems.

There is no prerequisite for this course as students will learn from scratch.

We are sharing Python Programs in Jupyter Notebooks which will help students to practice at their end.

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