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Learning skill: Mother of all other skills and knowledge

Learning skill: Mother of all other skills and knowledge

Цена: $19.99

This skill has been waiting for you

Do you know which soft skill can be a basis for all your accomplishments in life? Do you know which soft skill can open access to any knowledge you want to master? Do you know which soft skill can make you the most valuable person in your society and workplace?

научно доказанные методы понимания и практики learning skill. And this skill is actually undervalued and not taught at school or university, even though, with help of this skill people could learn any subject; they could have any degree or they could master any other skills they want.

This course is not about how to achieve success in personal and professional life, хотя, if you master a learning skill, you can achieve anything you want, because everything starts from обучение.

After you develop your learning skill, вы можете Звезды, как это уже работает how to become a good or exceptional professional; вы можете Звезды, как это уже работает how to become happy and successful; вы можете Звезды, как это уже работает how to become a millionaire. я имею в виду, you can become anyone and achieve anything you wish. With this skill, your only limit will be your life-time.

The course is quite short regarding time but extensive regarding the aspects it cover therefore it is interesting, informative and practical. It is not only about tips and tricks on how to develop your learning skill. The thing is that actually, any accomplishment in life to 80% consists of psychology and only the rest 20% is about instruments.

Следовательно, we organized the course in the following sequence:

The first two parts (Делайте удивительные анимации Minecraft 1 & 2) of the course are dedicated to prepare your inner condition or right mentally. In these parts, we will talk about some misconceptions related to the mind itself; we will talk about the reasons why you should develop your learning skill and how to get yourself motivated to do it.

– затем, частично 3, we will review the importance of your health or body in the development of your learning skill. You should understand that your body is an executor of your ideas. Healthier you are, more productive your actions will be.

– в заключение, in parts 4 а также 5, I will provide practical techniques and tips on improving your learning skill.

I want to remind you beforehand that most concepts that I give in this course are not novel, but they are principles and techniques used for hundreds of years, and most probably you know about them. Therefore our task will not be creating a wheel but rather it will be learning how to learn in a systematic way.

Так, чего ты ждешь? Come and take your ‘keyto all the accomplishments in your life.


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