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Обучающие стратегии & Boost Memory Made Simple (2020)

Обучающие стратегии & Boost Memory Made Simple (2020)

Цена: $49.99

Do you struggle to learn a new skill faster? Do you struggle to recall your grocery list? Do you feel disappointed because you can’t remember foreign language words? Do you feel bad because others can read with over 1000 wpm and you can’t? Вы думаете, что у вас плохая память??

If you do, you are not alone. Почти 2500 ученики от 110 страны who took my course feel like you do.

Обучающие стратегии & Boost Memory Made Simple (2020) provides you with the best tools and Обучающие стратегии to improve your Память, скорочтение, и обучение. You’ll be amazed at how many hours you can save by learning these strategies.

Обучающие стратегии & Boost Memory Made Simple (2020) will help you:

  • Учись быстрее, become sharper, неудержимый в повседневной жизни и карьере

  • How subvocalization and regression are good for you

  • Уменьшить стресс и разочарование

  • Learn anything at least 3x quicker

  • Learn Faster to Advance in Your Career

  • Get into the flow state

  • How to remember your phone number, ID number using the language of numbers

  • Remember people’s names

  • Remember anything in every situation

  • Remember your speech and your presentations

What do Обучающие стратегии & Boost Memory Made Simple (2020) contain:

In the first section of this course, I will show you what are the common myths about your memory.

The second section will be about knowing and understanding your memory!

In this section you will learn:

about the science of memory, where you will find what are the 3 main stages of the process of memorizing

-what are the 3 types of memory and about neuroplasticity, dopamine, and his benefits

Systems for creating, improving, and maintaining long term memory is the third section.

Here you will learn:


-How to create a Mind map in 5 простые шаги!, you will learn about The Journey Method,

-How to Remember Speeches and Presentations Effortless and much more!

The fourth section is about speed reading. Here you will find out the ugly truth about speed reading, what are the 3 bad habits of speed reading that are good for you, and how to read faster.

The fifth section will be about the best study tips. В этой секции, you will learn the benefits of Exercise and Sleep, why you should stop listening to music while learning, how your environment can have a direct impact on your learning and when you should study.

And the last 2 sections will be about how to get into the flow state fast and finally, the bonus section, How to learn any skill in less than 20 часов.

На этот курс распространяется 30-дневная гарантия возврата денег.!

What People Say About Learning Strategies & Boost Memory Made Simple (2020):

★ ★ ★ ★ ★ This is a great course for everyone. This course is highly recommended ?? – Geraldine Durin

★ ★ ★ ★ ★ It was amazingly good as far as knowledge was concernedSobia Nawaz Malik

★ ★ ★ ★ ★ It’s good. Helping me a lot to learn. – Tasbih Zaman Taaba


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