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Linux-and-Bash-for-Data-Engineering Quizzes & Ответы – Курсера

Diving into the world of data engineering requires a solid understanding of the foundational tools that drive analysis and insight. Linux а также Bash scripting stand out as pivotal skills for managing data workflows and automating tasks.

Our latest blog post offers an in-depth look at Coursera’s викторины а также ответы для ‘Linux-а также-Bash-за-Данныеинженерия‘ курс, providing readers with a practical guide to mastering these essential tools. Stay tuned as we unravel the quizzes and their solutions to bolster your data engineering expertise.

Using Linux

Q1. What is a good definition of Linux?

  • A type of hardware.
  • A kernel.
  • A free and open source operating system inspired by UNIX.

2 квартал. Why is it a good idea to use a cloud-based shell environment?

  • A cloud-based shell is similar or identical to the deployment environment in that cloud.
  • They always run a proprietary UNIX which is helpful for building cloud solutions.
  • The cloud-shell runs on your laptop and can take advantage of power of your local machine.

3 квартал. What is an advantage of a hosted development like GitHub Codespaces?

  • It maintains the software development with the latest tools for you.
  • It is always faster.
  • It is free.

4 квартал. What is a good use case of a shell pipeline?

  • To perform complex operations on data.
  • Writing a web service.
  • Writing a mobile application.

Q5. What is an example of the output of a shell pipeline?

  • A file.
  • A shell pipeline cannot output.
  • The windows operating system.

Q6. В чем разница между > а также | Вам нужно будет достичь как минимум?

  • В > operator directs the output of a command to a file. В | operator directs the output of a command to another command.
  • В | operator directs the output of a command to a file. В > operator directs the output of a command to another command.
  • Both operators do the same thing, which is direct output to a file.

Q7. To checkout a Git repo via SSH what files must the GitHub host have from the client?

  • The Git server must have a copy of ~/.ssh/id_rsa from the client checking out the repository.
  • You do not need to copy files to a server to use SSH-based checkout.
  • The Git server must have a copy of ~/.ssh/id_pub from the client checking out the repository.

Q8. Describe a common reason for SSH tunneling.

  • Developing locally from a server running remotely.
  • Doing unencrypted communication on a local network.
  • Creating a public chat server that doesn’t require authentication.

Q9. What file synchronization process commonly takes place using SSH?

  • rsync
  • мв
  • rmdir

Q10. What is a common way to configure multiple ssh tunnels?

  • By use of the ~/.ssh/config file.
  • By use of the ~/.zshrc file.
  • By use of the ~/.bashrc file.


Using Bash

Q1. Explain the purpose of the ~/.bashrc file.

  • It is a Bash login shell that only runs at the start of a new login shell.
  • It is a Bash logout shell that only runs when a shell exits.
  • It is a Bash shell script that runs whenever Bash is started interactively.

2 квартал. What is the purpose of the ~/.zshrc file?

  • It is a ZSH login shell that only runs at the start of a new login shell.
  • It is a ZSH logout shell that only runs when a shell exits.
  • It is a ZSH shell script that runs whenever Bash is started interactively.

3 квартал. What shell example creates a shell variable to the current shell only.

  • FRUIT=”вишня”
  • echo $FRUIT
  • export FRUIT=”вишня”

4 квартал. What would be the output of this command?

FRUIT=Cherries”: echo $FRUIT are tasty

  • Cherries are tasty
  • echo Cherries are tasty
  • $FRUIT are tasty

Q5.When you run the command alias from a terminal what will you see?

  • It will display the help menu for a command.
  • You will see output like the following:
  • alias egrep=’egrepcolor=auto
  • alias fgrep=’fgrepcolor=auto
  • alias grep=’grepcolor=auto
  • alias l.=’ls -d .* –color=auto
  • alias ll=’ls -lcolor=auto
  • alias ls=’lscolor=auto
  • alias which=’alias | /usr/bin/whichtty-onlyread-aliasshow-dotshow-tilde

– [ ] It will print the name of the shell currently in use.

Q6. What is a good example of what appears in standard out?

  • It is always blank.
  • Errors from the improper execution of a shell command.
  • The content of a file.

Q7. What is the output of this command?

ls fakefile.txt &> /dev/null

  • It will create the file since it doesn’t exist.
  • It will display the following error. ls: cannot access fakefile: No such file or directory
  • There is no output.

Q8. What would the following command do?

ls fakefile 2> error.txt

  • It deletes the output of stderr
  • Write stderr to error.txt
  • Write stdout to error.txt

Q9. What would this command do?

for i in (1..10); do echo $RANDOM >> rando.txt; done

  • It appends 10 random numbers to a file.
  • It overwrites a file with a new random number 10 раз.
  • It throws away the output of standard out.

Q10. What is happening in the following shell command?

sort -r < /etc/passwd

  • The sort command is appending to the /etc/password file.
  • The /etc/password file is reverse sorted.
  • The /etc/password file is overwritten with a sorted version


Building Bash Scripts

Q1. What is an example of a control flow in Bash?

  • A for loop.
  • Making a script.
  • Creating a variable.

2 квартал. What happens when this command runs?

ложный || echo “Привет”

  • An error prints to stdout.
  • Nothing prints out.
  • Слово “Привет” prints to stdout.

3 квартал. What happens when this command runs?

ложный && echo “Привет”

  • An error prints to stdout.
  • Слово “Привет” prints to stdout.
  • Nothing prints out.

4 квартал. Why would a data scientist need to truncate a large file before bringing it into a popular data scientist library like Pandas?

  • To remove null values.
  • It improves the accuracy of a prediction.
  • To convert the data to a small data problem.

Q5. What would this statement return?

printfhello\nworld\n” | grep hello

  • Ничего.

  • hello

  • hello


Q6. What is a key difference between find and locate?

  • They are both the same command.
  • The locate command uses metadata to search the filesystem.
  • The find command uses metadata to search the filesystem.

Q7. What what this command do?

find . -perm /+x ! -name ‘.*’ -type -f

  • Find all directories in the search path
  • Find all executable non-invisible files.
  • Find all files with the word x in them.

Q8. What would be the output of this command?

printfapple\npear\npeach\n” | grep -v pear

  • яблоко


  • pear

  • яблоко



Q9. What reason could a data scientists have for using the following command?

shuf -n 10000 data.csv > out-data.csv

  • They want to truncate a file and grab the first 10000 ряды.
  • They want to randomly sample 10000 rows of a file.
  • They want to truncate a file and grab the last10000 rows.

Q10. What does this program output?

while true; do echobob is your uncle”; Вот как можно победить бессонницу 2; done

  • It sleeps for 2 seconds then quits with no output.
  • It prints outbob is your uncle” Требуется полная копия тома приложения на основе указателей. 2 секунды.
  • It prints outbob is your uncletwice then stops.


Composing File and Data Management Solutions with Linux

Q1. What would this command do?

locate -i .ZSHRC

  • Find only occurrences of .ZSHRC
  • Find only occurrences of .zshrc
  • Find occurrences of both .ZSHRC and .zshrc

2 квартал. Which of these two time commands will be faster?

time sudo find / -name .zshrc

time locate .zshrc /etc/skel/.zshrc

  • They are both the same speed to execute.
  • The first command.
  • The second time command using locate.

3 квартал. Which command moves files?

  • мв
  • ср
  • трогать

4 квартал. The following output describes how a UNIX file permission gets set. How would you apply this to a file called foo.txt?

  • chmod 754 foo.txt
  • touchchown root:корень
  • touchchmod -R 777 *

Q5. What would this command do?

zip -r archieves/foo.zip foo

  • Ничего
  • It creates a zip archive of the foo directory in the location archives/foo.zip
  • It unzips archives/foo.zip

Q6. What does this command do?

tar -zcvf archieves/foo.tgz foo

  • It creates an uncompressed archive.
  • It creates an archive of the foo directory.
  • Ничего.

Q7. Why would be the command to reserve sort the file foo.txt?

  • less -r foo.txt
  • sort -r < foo.txt
  • rev < foo.txt

Q8. What is a straightforward way to count the unique lines in a file called fruit?

  • sort fruit.txt
  • uniq -c fruit.txt
  • sort fruit.txt | uniq -c

Q9. What is the output of the following regex command?

echo 41-444-5599 ‘([0-9]{3})||[0-9]{3}[ -]?[0-9]{3}[ -]?[0-9]{4}’

  • 415-444-5599
  • 41-444-5599
  • Ничего.

Q10. What would this command’s output be?



  • Хелен Бэсси

    Привет, I'm Helena, автор блога, который любит публиковать познавательный контент в нише образования. Я считаю, что образование является ключом к личному и социальному развитию., и я хочу поделиться своими знаниями и опытом с учащимися всех возрастов и слоев общества.. В моем блоге, вы найдете статьи на такие темы, как стратегии обучения, онлайн-образование, Профориентация, и более. Я также приветствую отзывы и предложения от моих читателей., так что не стесняйтесь оставлять комментарии или обращаться ко мне в любое время. Надеюсь, вам понравится читать мой блог и вы найдете его полезным и вдохновляющим..

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Около Хелен Бэсси

Привет, I'm Helena, автор блога, который любит публиковать познавательный контент в нише образования. Я считаю, что образование является ключом к личному и социальному развитию., и я хочу поделиться своими знаниями и опытом с учащимися всех возрастов и слоев общества.. В моем блоге, вы найдете статьи на такие темы, как стратегии обучения, онлайн-образование, Профориентация, и более. Я также приветствую отзывы и предложения от моих читателей., так что не стесняйтесь оставлять комментарии или обращаться ко мне в любое время. Надеюсь, вам понравится читать мой блог и вы найдете его полезным и вдохновляющим..

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