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Мастеринг 4 критические НАВЫКИ использования Python

Мастеринг 4 критические НАВЫКИ использования Python

Цена: $94.99

Almost all other courses focus on knowledge. В этом курсе, we focus on 4 critical skills.

В общем и целом:

  • Курс охватывает basic to advanced modern Python 3 синтаксис. Beginners will learn a lot!

  • The course helps you master the 4 most important skills for a programmer

    • Программирование навыки

    • Problem-solving навыки: rarely covered by other courses

    • Project building навыки: partially covered by other courses

    • дизайн навыки: rarely covered by other courses

  • 7+ раз На самом деле некоторые экзамены фактически оплачиваются за счет работы, потому что они настолько интенсивны. & homework compare to other courses + много (настоящий & challenging) проекты

  • Особенный Teaching style: iterative, легкий, and short

    • яn a few minutes, I cover clearly what many others need 2-3 times to explain

  • Это английский Course only. Full manual English subtitles will also be provided soon.


  • Основы: Переменные, Петли, Control Flow, Списки, Кортежи, Sets, Словарь, функции, Recursive Functions

  • Объектно-ориентированного программирования (OOP):

    • Объекты, Classes, Abstraction, Наследование, Полиморфизм, Перегрузка оператора

    • Embedded in homework: Several design principles & узоры

  • Особенный Темы: Файлы, Обработка исключений, Modules and Packages

  • А huge set of Quizzes, Упражняться, Homework, and Projects

    • 2 styles of homework: Algorithmic (решение проблем) and applications

    • Several software design concerns are embedded in the homework.

    • So you are getting introduced to Software Engineering & Design Patterns

    • Several quizzes to master the concepts

Building Skills: Упражняться, Homework, and Projects

  • Один уникальный feature in this course is my education strategy:

    • Explain, Administrate & Challenge

  • Each video smoothly объясняет a simple concept(s)

  • Typically followed by easy to medium practice to управлять the concept

  • Then typically followed by an easy-medium-hard set of homework questions to вызов вы

  • Extensive homework from easy to medium to hard to help to build the skills.

  • Most of the practice/homework questions are уникальный в этом курсе

    • Programming questions are mainly from my competitive programming опыт

    • OOP questions are mostly invented to achieve several goals:

      • Mastering the OOP concepts

      • Enforcing a lot of design heuristics & OOD

      • Preparing you for дизайн principles and patterns

  • Small-to-large set of projects to build up project building а также дизайн навыки

  • Solutions to all of them.

By the end of the journey

  • твердый understanding of programming concepts and its Python syntax

  • Мастеринг the target 4 навыки

  • With the administered problem-solving skills

    • You can start competitive programming smoothly in Div2-A/B Codeforces

    • Smooth start in Data Structure course

    • Smooth start in Algorithms course

  • With the administered project-building and design skills

    • Smooth start in Software Engineering course

    • Потом, smooth start in one of the technology tracks in frontend or backend

Don’t miss such a unique learning experience!


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