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Microsoft Dynamics 365 (CRM) &Power Platform Training (2021)

Microsoft Dynamics 365 (CRM) &Power Platform Training (2021)

Цена: $89.99

Do you want to become a Microsoft Dynamics 365 & Power Apps Consultant? Do you want to learn Common Data Service aka Вселенная данных? Then the course is right for you. The course follows a case study based approach to help students learn concepts in the most practical way possible. Также, it is necessary to learn the beginner course before you pursue any other development course regarding Dynamics 365. This course will also help you clear MB 200/PL 200 сертификационный экзамен.

  1. Targeted for beginners.

  2. Концентрация на практических действиях.

  3. Case study based approach.

  4. You will be able to crack the MB 200 Сертификационный экзамен.

  5. Пожизненный доступ.

  6. Это живой курс. Темы будут добавляться или удаляться в соответствии с требованиями отрасли..

30 Дневная гарантия возврата денег

Мы предлагаем 30-дневную гарантию возврата денег, so if you are not happy with the course for any reason, вы можете вернуть свои деньги, никаких вопросов не было задано.

Загрузите и установите MX OPC-сервер

No prerequisites needed. Just a basic understanding of software & business is enough.

What you are going to learn?

Учебный план

Раздел 1: Вступление

Лекция 1: Вступление

Лекция 2: Case Study Driven Approach

Лекция 3: Динамика 365 and Power Apps

Лекция 4: Creation of Trial Account

Лекция 5: Introduction to Power Platform

Лекция 6: Introduction to Dynamics 365

Лекция 7: Model-driven Vs Canvas Apps

Лекция 8: Introduction to Model-Driven Apps

Раздел 2: Динамика 365 Центр администрирования

Лекция 9: Introduction to Admin Center and Environments

Лекция 10: Enabling Early Access Features

Раздел 3:Common Data Service

Лекция 11: Components of CDS

Лекция 12: Creating Solution and Publisher

Лекция 13: Creating App and Sitemap

Лекция 14: Customizing an Existing Entity

Лекция 15: ER Modeling

Лекция 16: Creating a Custom Entity

Лекция 17: Adding Attributes

Лекция 18: Form Structure

Лекция 19: Custom Entity and Option Sets

Раздел 4: Отношения

Лекция 20: Introduction to Relationships

Лекция 21: Creating a 1 to N Relationship

Лекция 22: Introduction to Relationship Behaviour

Лекция 23: Relationship Behaviour Case Study Northwind Approach

Лекция 24: Relationship Mapping

Лекция 25: Introduction to Hierarchy Relationship

Лекция 26: Creating a Hierarchy Relationship

Лекция 27: Many to Many Relationships

Лекция 28: Creating a Many to Many Relationship

Лекция 29: Connections and Connection Roles

Раздел 5: Просмотры

Лекция 30: Introduction to Views

Лекция 31: Creating a View

Лекция 32: Types of Views

Лекция 33: Quick Find Views

Лекция 34: Personal Views

Раздел 6: Advanced Field Types

Лекция 35: Calculated Fields

Лекция 36: Rollup Fields

Раздел 7: Form Types

Лекция 37: Main Form

Лекция 38: Quick Create Form

Лекция 39: Quick View Form

Раздел 8: Безопасность

Лекция 40: Introduction to Security

Лекция 41: Adding a user

Лекция 42: Users and Ownership

Лекция 43: Business Units

Лекция 44: Introduction to Security Roles

Лекция 45: Deep Dive into Security Roles

Лекция 46: Demo on Security in Dynamics 365

Лекция 47: Northwind Assignment

Лекция 48: Sharing feature in Dynamics 365

Лекция 49: Owner Teams

Лекция 50: Access Teams

Лекция 51: Field Security

Лекция 52: Introduction to Hierarchy Security- Менеджер

Лекция 53: Hierarchy Security- Должность

Раздел 9: E05-001 Экзамен версии хранения и управления информацией

Лекция 54: Introduction to Charts

Лекция 55: Classic Dashboards

Лекция 56: Examples of Charts

Лекция 57: Interactive Dashboards

Лекция 58: Creating Interactive Dashboards

Раздел 10: Power BI

Лекция 59: Introduction to Power BI

Лекция 60: Creating a Power BI Dashboard

Раздел 11: Процессы

Лекция 61: Introduction to Processes

Лекция 62: Creating a Workflow

Лекция 63: Deep Dive into Workflows

Лекция 64: Creating a Northwind Email using Workflow

Лекция 65: Northwind Auto-populate Workflow

Лекция 66: Wait Condition

Лекция 67: Timeout Condition

Лекция 68: Introduction to BPF

Лекция 69: BPF Extensions

Раздел 12: Мощная автоматизация

Лекция 70: Introduction to Power Automate

Лекция 71: Creating a Power Automate Flow

Лекция 72: Approval flows in Power Automate

Раздел 13: Управление данными

Лекция 73: Data Import Wizard

Лекция 74: Data Import Wizard Advanced

Лекция 75: Data Import Template

Лекция 76: Duplicate Detection Rules

Лекция 77: Duplicate Detection Jobs

Лекция 78: Introduction to Auditing

Раздел 14: Шаблоны

Лекция 79: Email Template

Лекция 80: Document Templates

Раздел 15: Search Capabilities

Лекция 81: Introduction to Search Capabilities and Categorized Search

Лекция 82: Relevance Search

Раздел 16: локализация

Лекция 83: Языки

Лекция 84: Field Translations

Лекция 85: Currency

Раздел 17: Решения

Лекция 86: Решения

Лекция 87: Unmanaged VS Managed Solution

Лекция 88: Exporting a Managed Solution

Лекция 89: Deleting a Solution

Лекция 90: Patch in Solution

Раздел 18: Дополнительные темы

Лекция 91: Data Encryption


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