

забытый пароль

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Mind Programming-Reprogram yourself for studies & упражнение

Mind Programming-Reprogram yourself for studies & упражнение

Цена: $34.99

Learn how to study when you don’t feel like it.

Learn techniques to easily get out of bed early in the morning & go for exercise.

Learn simple methods to trick your mind into doing unpleasant but important tasks.

All of us are looking to improve and achieve our goals. Funnily despite living in a connected world where we have all the information about how to improve, grow and achieve our goals, taking those steps is still difficult. May be the fault is not 100% ours. May be we have been following failure algorithms throughout our lives and are unaware about them.

This course helps identify these failure algorithms and teaches mind techniques to change them into success algorithms related to studies, exercising and doing tasks.


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