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Overcome Burnout

Overcome Burnout

Цена: $34.99

Burnout is a reality for many people whose work involves serving others, whether these are students, клиенты, customers, or patients. The main challenge with burnout is that it is difficult to identify early on. By the time people realise they are burnt out they are often experiencing challenging symptoms, such as lack of energy, demotivation, or lack of empathy towards others. It is therefore very important to identify burnout early on, so that it can be effectively resolved.

This course has two main parts: In the first section we focus on the signs of burnout and whom it affects. Thus students become confident in spotting burnout in themselves and others. The second section presents several strategies that will help students resolve burnout. Throughout this course students are supported to complete an action plan, so as to ensure long-term benefits from this course.

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