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Питон для начинающих – освоить программирование на Python

Питон для начинающих – освоить программирование на Python

Цена: $79.99

Welcome to the best resource on Питон для начинающих which will help you master every important concept of Python programming.

Python is hot, and popular programming language because it is easy to learn, and its very powerful! Google, Dropbox, НАСА, Инстаграм, Disqus, Pinterest and many fortune 500 companies are using Python extensively to build their applications.

Python is considered the backbone of many promising fields. If you want to become a Data scientist, Data analyst, Python programmer, Web developer, Artificial Intelligence engineer, Machine learning engineer, you need to master Python programming concepts. This course on Python is designed to give you a ‘perfectstart in Python programming!

В этом курсе, we cover every important concept of Python, в деталях. В конце курса, you can confidently apply for any junior Python Programmer job; and you shall have become confident enough to write amazing Python programs, on your own!

enroll in this course if:

1. You’re an absolute beginner who has never programmed before,

2. you want to understand ins and outs of Python thoroughly.

Больше, чем 5 часов of solid content, and lots of practice question, coding exercises, mini projects, and assignments on Python are included in the course to practice what you learn!

We start from scratch, and cover the following topics in great detail:

Установка Python

Running Python

Working with variables

Primitive data types (числа, booleans, strings)

Complex data types (список, tuple, dictionaries, набор…)

conditional statements (если | Элиф)

Looping (за loop, в то время как loop)


File Handling



Also learn:

to work with Jupyter Notebooka professional tool used by Python programmers and data scientists

– немного здорово Python tips and tricks used by professional developers.

Получить notes on each and every important topic in Python fundamentals.

Так, чего ты ждешь? Зарегистрироваться Теперь to master Python programming!


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