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Python for Patterns, Problems, Структуры данных & Алгоритмы

Python for Patterns, Problems, Структуры данных & Алгоритмы

Цена: $19.99

Python for Pattern programs, Example Programs (Interview problems), Data Structures and Algorithms crash course (3 в 1) курс

This course comes with three sections :

разделы 1 : In this section you will learn how to write python programs to print different kinds of patterns such as Inverted triangle pattern, diamond pattern, hollow diamond pattern, hollow square pattern, Alphabets pattern, butterfly pattern and many more different kinds of pattern this section will help you to enhance your logical ability.

раздел 2 : In this section you will learn how to solve problems (most frequently asked questions in the interviews) using python and also we will also learn programs like guessing number game program, three cup monte game program, student data base program, banking program, this section will help you to enhance your problem solving skills

раздел 3 : In this section you will have Data Structures and Algorithms crash course in which you will learn how to implement stack, очередь, deque data structures and also you will lean search algorithms like linear search algorithm and Binary search algorithm and also you will learn sorting algorithms like bubble sort algorithm and selection sort algorithm

I hope you will enjoy this course as much as I enjoyed creating it. Спасибо


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