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Resumé, Cover Letter & Собеседование: Getting your Dream Job

Resumé, Cover Letter & Собеседование: Getting your Dream Job

Цена: $19.99

Добро пожаловать на курс Resumé, Cover Letter & Собеседование: Getting your Dream Job

Here you will learn how to prepare for your job application and job selection process, including your resume, cover letter, and job interview.

By the end of the course you will learn:

1. Продолжить: How to write a resume that is concise and effective. What to write in each section. How to add your customized LinkedIn profile link to your resume.

2. Cover Letter: How to write a cover letter and quickly adapt it to different roles.

3. Собеседование: Develop job interview skills by learning to prepare and to answer the most common interview questions.

4. Job Offer and Salary Negotiation

This course was developed to be completely applicable to your case, with templates of documents to download, and utilizing my materials as examples.

Thank you for joining!

Short Trip by Roa

Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0

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