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Samuel and Co Trading – Mindset Course 5* Обзор

Samuel and Co TradingMindset Course 5* Обзор

Цена: $199.99

The course material presented here is an introduction into four areas that many people find interesting but have little understanding of how to change or use them. One course is about the Subconscious Mind – какой, how and why it does what it does. The second course is about creating the Vision of Your Future; what that vision would look like, the critical steps you need to take, while utilising the power of the subconscious mind to manifest that vision into your reality. The third course deals with stress; what is stress, what causes stress, how to address it and why you need to reset the amygdala. The fourth course is a simple step-by-step guided process in how to Silence the Mind. By following this process you will be able to cease all mental chatter, that internal dialogue in under 2 минут и, reset the amygdala to promote self healing. All courses are voice over power point presentations.


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