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Terraform Version 0.12 – Complete Guide on Microsoft Azure

Terraform Version 0.12 – Complete Guide on Microsoft Azure

Цена: $19.99

Welcome to the Terraform Version 0.12 – Complete Guide on Microsoft Azure course! This course aims to teach you the fundamentals of Terraform and apply them to Microsoft Azure. We also aim to show the more complex features of functions of Microsoft Azure and Terraform to really get the student ready for the working world.

The course teaches the following:

  • Terraform Version 12

  • Виртуальные машины

  • Базы данных

  • Security Groups

  • ВКК

  • Blob Storage

  • функции

  • Conditionals

  • Remote State

  • Null Resources

  • Local Provisioners

  • Присоединиться

  • Count

  • Depends

The in-depth course aims to get the the student up and running, straight to the point and teach how to get this infrastructure working in Microsoft Azure.

We hope you enjoy it!


Около arkadmin

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