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Полный мастер-класс по переговорам о заработной плате – Попросить больше

Полный мастер-класс по переговорам о заработной плате – Попросить больше

Цена: $94.99

*** Brand new course launched in March 2021 ***

This complete Salary Negotiation Master Class will teach you in depth how get paid what you are worth!

Negotiating your salary can make a difference in earnings of больше, чем 1.000.000 Dollar in lifetime earnings. Employees often do not negotiate their salaries effectively. В самом деле, most employees do not negotiate their salaries at all because they lack the right tools или же courage to ASK for more.

In this master class, we will teach you how to Попросить больше и вести best-in-class salary negotiationseveryone can learn how to prepare and execute negotiations using proven principles taught in leading MBA programs. Our course is designed to be hands-on and we will share tangible tips to improve your negotiation outcomes.

There are a couple of other course options on this topic out there, but this is without doubt the most effective and comprehensive course on the market. This is why:

  • Comprehensive syllabus, covering research, prepration and practical tactics for your next salary negotiation

  • Proven methodology, best-in-class negotiation standards that are taught at world-class MBA programs

  • Taught by practitioners, we have conducted countless salary negotiations ourselves

  • Constantly updated with new material and examples

  • High-quality closed captions / subtitlesnot the computer-generated gibberish most other courses have

We are experienced business leaders that have years of hands-on experience in negotiating salariesboth as employees as well as in the role of the employer

  • Jens is an Entrepreneuer and former manager at Palantir Technologies а также Амазонка. He started his career at Приветствуются предложения по исследовательским проектам длиной в книгу, использующим как религию, так и пол в качестве основных категорий анализа. & Company and has negotiated multi-million dollar deals and conducted hundreds of interviews on both sides of the table

  • Heinrich was a Project Lead at McKinsey and now works as CTO for a German retail company. In his positions, he conducted a plethora of high-stakes negotiations with suppliers and other business partners. Heinrich is also a lecturer at the University of St. Gallen MBA program.

These are just some of the topics that we will cover:

  • Исследование what you can expect а также how much others are getting paid

  • Setting effective targets and understanding your counterparty

  • Timing of your negotiation, considering career development plans

  • Think beyond cash and learn about dozens of other compensation elements

  • Proven negotiations tactics to use during the conversation

  • Pitfalls to avoid

We are very much looking forward to teaching you this proven salary negotiation system and help you get paid what you are worth.

Sign up now для начала – we look forward to welcoming you!

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