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Наука быть великим – Как быть крутым!

Наука быть великим – Как быть крутым!

Цена: $94.99

‘The Science of Being Great: How to Be Awesomeis our treatment of Wallace Wattlesclassic from 1910.

We’ve done this course as a follow-up to the hugely popular ‘The Science of Getting Richcourse available right here on Udemy, and it follows exactly the same system for mastery, the 13×4.

‘The Science of Being Greattakes some of the ideas from ‘The Science of Getting Richto a new level and introduces a whole bunch of even more esoteric, yet beautifully practical perspectives.

The principles can be applied by all people, rich or poor, in their quest to become just a little bit more awesome in their everyday lives.

This programme will work for people in every interaction with others;

for parents and for children,

for leaders and for followers,

for people in a relationship and for those on their own,

for people with ambition, and for people who are happy where they are.

It’s a ‘code of practicefor how to bring greater life to all people with whom you interact, by doing exactly what you do right now.

It’s pretty deep stuff, but yet again, it’s so evidently brilliant that it will astonish even the most forward-thinking individuals with its blend of the esoteric and the practical.

It’s by far the best work we’ve ever done and we are so very excited to share it with you all.

Наслаждаться, Звезды, как это уже работает, become great and spread the word.

Всего наилучшего,

Том & Анджела.

октября 2014. Spaceship Earth.

Course image by Kieran Doherty, leading photojournalist. google ‘leading photojournalistfor more examples of his outstanding work.


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