Therapy; Color Therapy, Color Can Improve Mood, Благополучие
Цена: $94.99
Do you find yourself describing how you feel sometimes as a color? возможно, today I am feeling blue.
We are emotionally and psychologically affected by цвет
Color Therapy, The Psychology of Color has useful answers for us.
I have years of education in the field of Psychology. I was excited to learn about how цвет can influence our moods and improve our wellbeing. That is what inspired me to create this course. My name is Crystal Hutchinson Tummala. I am the founder of Pursuing Wisdom Academy.
Присоединиться 75,000 ученики в 180 countries taking Pursuing Wisdom Academy courses.
In this course you will:
Learn the qualities of various цвета
Learn about color psychology
Learn how цвет can be used as therapy for mood
Learn how цвет а также art therapy can elevate mood
Learn how to unblock chakras
Learn what an aura является; What the aura colors иметь в виду
Learn about becoming a Color Therapist
По завершении, you will earn a certificate from Pursuing Wisdom Academy.
Enroll today to start increasing your knowledge of цвет. The course comes with a risk free, 30-дневная гарантия возврата денег.
You will enjoy lifetime access to the course. You will also have access to any future updates to the course.
I am a full time instructor. If you have any questions reach out to me on the Q&A section of the course and you will get a response.
I look forward to seeing you inside the course.
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