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Использование эмоционального интеллекта в работе

Использование эмоционального интеллекта в работе

Цена: $109.99

You feel that everything is wrong at work? Are you frustrated by your job? Is your working environment conflictual? Is it difficult to work with your colleagues? Do you feel like skipping work today?

If your answer is yes, the solution is simple: work on your emotional intelligence and everything will change. Take a short course with high impact.

После прохождения этого курса, После проектирования и развертывания центра сертификации:

  1. understand the impact of workplace emotions,
  2. communicate with empathy,
  3. apply key emotional intelligence skills in a confrontation scenario, а также
  4. help others to develop self-awareness and empathy.
The course includes video materials, written documents and quizzes to facilitate optimal learning, and reinforce your understanding and practical skills.
In less than 2 часов you are going to learn how to use your 4 key emotional intelligence competences on the job.
Так, ff you want to better understand, develop and use your emotional intelligence skills, you will greatly benefit from this course.
This is high intensity training for your career success!

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