98-361: Misingi ya Maendeleo ya Programu (kwa kutumia C#)
Bei: $89.99
Welcome to my course on 98-361 “Misingi ya Maendeleo ya Programu” kwa kutumia C#. Katika kozi hii, we will be looking at a variety of different types of programs and concepts around programming.
Tutaanza kwa kuangalia Core Programming. We will download for free the Visual Studio Community edition, and use it to investigate the fundamental C# statements. We’ll look at decision structures such as If and Switch [Case Select], repetition such as For loops, While loops and recursion, and then we’ll look at errors and find out how to handle them.
Kisha tutaangalia Upangaji Unaoelekezwa na Kitu. We’ll go deeper into concepts that we have already used, such as namespaces, methods and classes, and add to them using events and constructors. We’ll see how you can duplicate and develop classes using inheritance, polymorphism and encapsulation.
Inayofuata ni General Software Development. We’ll look at various different data structures such as arrays, stacks, queues and linked lists, and we’ll also look at sorting algorithms. We’ll then take a step back and look at application life cycle management, and how to interpret application specifications.
The next thing to look at is Web Applications. We’ll look at web page development using HTML, Cascading Style Sheets and JavaScript. We’ll then investigate ASP.NET web application development, web hosting and web services.
Then we’ll look at Desktop Applications. We will have been creating a lot of Console-based applications earlier in this course, but we’ll add to this with Windows apps and Windows Services.
We’ll finish by looking at Hifadhidata. We look at the basics of Relational Database Management Systems, look at database query methods, including the six clauses of the SELECT statement, and find out how to connect to databases from Visual Studio.
Hakuna maarifa ya awali inahitajika – we’ll even see how to get Visual Studio for free!
Kuna maswali ya kawaida kukusaidia kukumbuka habari, ili uwe na uhakika kwamba unajifunza.
Mara baada ya kumaliza kozi hii, you will have a good introductory knowledge of Software Development.
Kwa hivyo, bila ado yoyote zaidi, wacha tuangalie jinsi unavyoweza kutumia kiolesura cha Udemy, na kisha tutaangalia malengo ya mtihani na kwa hivyo mtaala wa kozi hii.
Acha jibu
Lazima Ingia au kujiandikisha kuongeza maoni mapya .