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Jiandikishe sasa

Karibu kwenye Scholarsark.com! Usajili wako utakupa ufikiaji wa kutumia huduma zaidi za jukwaa hili. Unaweza kuuliza maswali, toa michango au toa majibu, angalia maelezo mafupi ya watumiaji wengine na mengi zaidi. Jiandikishe sasa!

How To Motivate Yourself And Determine Your SMART Goals

How To Motivate Yourself And Determine Your SMART Goals

Bei: $89.99

Are you ready to get motivated on command today?

It’s About Time For You

  • It’s easy to confuse our ultimate goals with our practical goals.

  • You must have a crystal-clear idea of the outcomes and objectives you want for your life.

  • You have to keep igniting your motivation and keep at it until it is self-sustainable.

Dear Students,

What if I told you that you are capable of working on something in such a way that you are unstoppable?

That’s right. When you enter a certain mental and emotional state, it seems like all you can do is produce lots of your best stuff. It doesn’t matter what’s going on around you.

This is called your state of flow. The good news is everybody has one. It can take different forms. It definitely takes place at different times. It can be triggered by many things.

The Problem Is, For Most Of Us, We Stumble Upon Our State Of Flow.

A lot of people think that as long as they focus on their state of flow or they think about it or they kick around the idea in their head that it will overcome them somehow some way.

unaendelea kuwasha moto kwa maneno ya chuki na hasi juu ya EX wako kwa mtu yeyote ambaye unahisi kuwa na dakika kadhaa za kusawazisha.. You’re missing a key ingredient. You’re missing motivation.

Here’s where my course for you comes in.

  • You are going to understand the importance of motivation.

  • You will learn to identify the five pillars of sustainable motivation.

  • You will understand why a lot of people continue to struggle.

  • You can begin to be clear about the big outcomes and objectives of your life.

  • You are going to learn exactly how to get motivated on command, so you can achieve your state of flow.

  • A Comprehensive resource to let you set, determine and achieve your goals.

  • The easiest and Effective ways to knock on the door of Success.

Ili iwe rahisi, I’ve put together a step-by-step in my course that will show you exactly how it’s done

((How To Motivate Yourself And Determine Your SMART Goals))….

Here’s Just A Quick Preview Of What You’ll DISCOVER IN THIS COURSE

  • Focus on Practical Goals

  • The Problem with States of Flow

  • Stoking Motivation the Right Way

  • The Five Pillars of Sustainable Motivation

  • Focus on Your Purpose

  • Focus on What You Stand to Lose

  • Get Motivated By Daily Micro-Victories

  • Turn to Others When You Begin to Slow Down

  • Mentally Standardize Your State of Flow and Call It Into Mind

  • Uwe na uhakika kwamba kile unachoshiriki kitaleta mabadiliko ya muda mrefu katika maisha ya watazamaji, mengi zaidi…

Hii ndiyo njia rahisi zaidi ya kugusa nguvu ya motisha!

  • Unataka kuzalisha vitu vingi, jali kazi yako bora na ujisikie vizuri kuihusu.

  • Unataka kujisukuma kufanya mambo magumu zaidi na magumu zaidi.

  • Unajua kuwa wakati ujao hautatokea hadi unyanyue kidole kufanya mambo sasa.

  • Unataka kuishi maisha yenye ufanisi zaidi na yenye kusudi.

  • Unataka kujifunza jinsi ya kupata motisha kwa amri.

Watu SMART kama wewe wanataka ujuzi wa SMART kukuza na kubadilisha maisha yao wenyewe kwa manufaa…

LAKINI Je, unafanya jambo lolote ili uwe HAI na UTENDAJI?

Tahadhari KUBWA ya Ukweli:

Wakati Lengo Limewekwa -

  • 75% ya watu kuimaliza wiki yao ya kwanza

  • 71% ya watu kupita wiki mbili

  • 64% ya watu kufanya hivyo kupita mwezi mmoja Mauzo Video

  • 46% ya watu kupita miezi sita

And less than 24% of people make it past one year

The above figures are mind-rattling LITERALLY… It clearly states the prominence of failure after setting goals.

Reasons, why some people hit a Roadblock while working towards their goals, Vifaa vya plastiki:

  • Lack of proper vision

  • Underestimating skill, time and resources

  • Setting too many or too few goals

  • Inability to step out of the comfort zones to rise high

  • Anxiety and Stress Management

  • Dealing with Failure

  • Risk-Taking

  • And Much more…

These barricades have created an urge among the masses to seek life coaching on their way towards Success.

If you are hunting for ways to let your goals flourish and accomplish them, you can absolutely achieve nothing while you do not stick to them or get demotivated in the middle of the journey…

If you want to achieve something in life, the preliminary step is to decide what that is! By setting goals you state what you are actually seeking to attain in life. By not approaching in the right way, you are going up a blind alley…

Remember – “If you don’t build your dreams someone will hire you to build theirs.”

Kwa hivyo, don’t let yourself work for someone else and give them the credibility of your own goals and dreams…

Start working on your goals TODAY without fighting tooth and nail to accomplish them…

Leverage this excellent chance of letting Success knock your Door by:

  • Developing a Concrete Vision in your Life

  • Setting SMART Goals for Success

  • Removing all the Road-blockers to your Success

  • Sticking to Your Goals

  • Learning Time Management

  • Dealing with Goal Accomplishment Failure

  • And so much more….

Not only would it make accomplishing Goals look easy as a pie, but also make you determined to stick to them until they are completed!!!

Choosing one’s ultimate goal is the most important and far-reaching decision anyone ever makes. And to ensure you are properly set up and in an optimal position to take this decision, we are doing all the hand-holding for you….


30-Dhamana ya Kurudishiwa Pesa Siku – Risk-Free!


Udemy has an unconditional 30 siku money back guarantee so there is no risk. You have everything to gain and nothing to lose! I will stress this as well and stand behind this course, if you feel that you have gained NO VALUE at all within 30 siku, nitafanya personally guarantee you a Refund! I am confident in what I have created.

Lets start success together! Click on the “take this courselink at the top right of this page right NOW! Don’t let another minute go by not living your dreams.

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