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Majibu na maswali ya tathmini ya ujuzi wa LinkedIn - Adobe XD

Ikiwa unatafuta LinkedIn skill assessment answers and questions for Adobe XD, umefika mahali pazuri. Katika chapisho hili la blogi, I will share with you some of the most common and relevant questions and answers that you may encounter in the Adobe XD skill assessment test. Adobe XD is a powerful tool for designing and prototyping user interfaces, web pages, mobile apps, na zaidi.

It allows you to create interactive and responsive designs that can be tested and validated with real users. By passing the Adobe XD skill assessment test, you can demonstrate your proficiency and expertise in this tool and boost your chances of landing your dream job or project. Katika chapisho hili la blogi, you will find the questions and answers for the Adobe XD skill assessment test, along with some tips and tricks to help you ace it. Soma ili kujifunza zaidi.

Q1. Where was this Lock icon applied?


  • ndani ya Components panel
  • ndani ya Layers panel
  • ndani ya Property Inspector
  • in Share mode

Q2. In this figure, which value represents the bottom margin of the layout grid?


  • 30
  • 20
  • 43
  • 0

Q3. What does clicking the circled icon enable you to do?


  • Change the trigger.
  • Choose a destination.
  • Add a new interaction.
  • Add a new state.

Q4. You want to share your project on a blog or social media. How would you accomplish this?

  • Link to the project from your Creative Cloud account.
  • Use the prototype link.
  • Add the prototype link to a blog.
  • Add your social media accounts to your invitation list.

Q5. You need to have a keyboard appear when a text area is tapped. Which action type should you apply?

  • Auto-Animate
  • Overlay
  • Previous Artboard.
  • Transition.

Q6. How do you stop guides from snapping to objects on the artboard?

  • Press Option (Mac) or Alt (Madirisha) when dragging the guide.
  • Press Command (Mac) or Ctrl (Madirisha) when dragging the guide.
  • Press the Shift key when dragging the guide.
  • Drag the guide to its location on the artboard.

Swali 7. Your developer notifies you that the left alignment of some of the text in a slide-in menu is off by 2 pixels. How did the developer catch this?

  • The distance values are shown in the developer’s share screen.
  • The developer rolled over them in the developer’s share screen.
  • The differing values were noted in the CSS.
  • Artboard guides appear in the developer’s share screen.

Q8. How can you swap one component for another that is already in the project?

  • Copy the component in the Assets panel, select the component in the project, and paste.
  • Delete the component in the project and drag the new component from the Assets panel
  • Right-click the component you want to replace and select Edit Master in Source Document.
  • Drag the new component from the Assets panel on top of the existing component in the project.

Q9. You created a button and converted it to a component to make the button interactive. When you open the Component (Mwalimu) area in the Property Inspector and click Default State, you notice the button already has one state applied to it. What state is applied?

  • Hover
  • Drag
  • Voice
  • Gonga

Q10. You have copied an interaction to the clipboard. How would you apply this interaction to multiple objects?

  • Shift-click each object and paste the interaction.
  • Select the artboards and paste the interaction.
  • Select each object and paste the interaction.
  • Marquee the objects and paste the interaction.

Q11. Device preview requires a _

  • mobile device with NFC
  • Bluetooth connection
  • USB connection
  • wireless connection

Q12. Which export setting would you use to create a low-res asset whose size is 50% of the asset on the screen?

  • Designed at 3X
  • Designed for Web
  • Designed at 1X
  • Designed at 2X

Q13. What does this wire attached to a component indicate?


  • marudio.
  • interaction.
  • trigger
  • uhuishaji.

Q14. What happens when you click this circled icon in the design preview?


  • The preview switches to the artboard view.
  • The preview switches to user flow.
  • The preview switches to the developer view.
  • The artboard properties are displayed

Q15. Which method for bringing Illustrator content into XD is not possible?

  • Drag an Illustrator file (.Al) into an XD project.
  • Copy and paste content from Illustrator to XD.
  • Open an Illustrator file (.Al) in XD to convert it to an XD project.
  • Import an Illustrator file (.Al) into an XD project.

Q16. After completing a project, you deactivated a couple of Adobe fonts. Now you need to make changes to the XD file. How do you reenable the Adobe fonts in XD?

  • Open your Creative Cloud fonts and click Enable.
  • Enable the fonts in your computer’s fonts settings.
  • Adobe fonts are automatically reactivated through the Creative Cloud.
  • Relink the fonts to your Creative Cloud library.

Q17. You are viewing your project on a Google Pixel and notice the hotspot hints are missing. How would you enable them on the device?

  • Double-tap and select Enable Hints
  • In the device preview, chagua Enable Hints
  • In the sharing options, chagua Enable Hints
  • Triple-tap the screen and select Enable Hints

Q18. What would changing the text in this component affect?


  • the component.
  • only the text in the symbol.
  • only the instance.
  • all copies of the component in the XD document

Q19. You are previewing your XD project on an iPhone. How would you browse an artboard on the phone?

  • Triple-tap the screen.
  • Long-press an image and select Browse Artboards.
  • Use a drag gesture and select Browse Artboards.
  • Double-tap and select Browse Artboards.

Q20. Component states are _.

  • added in Design view.
  • interactive versions of a component.
  • customized versions of a component.
  • applied to components.

Q21. You created a Repeat Grid that is to be an image gallery. How would you control the placement of images in the Repeat Grid?

  • Ensure that all images have the same dimensions.
  • Drag individual images into the grid.
  • Ensure that all images are in the same format.
  • Import the images and rearrange them in the Repeat Grid.

Q22. Adobe Experience Design (XD) is marketed as a ___ application.

  • web design
  • screen layout
  • screen prototyping
  • mobile design

Q23. What is the maximum number of interactions that can be applied to a selected element?

  • Ikiwa umewahi kutaka kuwa na mwingiliano mzuri na kupata watu upande wako
  • nne
  • tatu
  • moja

Q24. Four more artboards for your current XD project have been created in Photoshop. How would you add them to your XD project?

  • Import the .psd into the document.
  • Place the .psd into an XD artboard.
  • Import one artboard at a time.
  • Open the .psd in XD.

Q25. How can you apply a hover and a tap trigger interaction to one object in XD?

  • Create multiple duplicate artboards.
  • You cannot apply hover and tap interactions to one object.
  • Create multiple, layered shapes.
  • Create component states.

Q26. When a menu slides in over the artboard and the artboard blurs, what effect has been applied?

  • background blur
  • Darken Blend mode
  • color overlay
  • object blur

Q27. What does a folder icon in the Layers panel indicate?

  • a symbol
  • a component
  • a group
  • a screen element

Q28. When designing a mobile app interface in Adobe XD, what is the recommended artboard size for an iPhone 11 Pakua na Sakinisha Seva ya MX OPC?

  • 640×1136 pixels
  • 1080×1920 pixels
  • 750×1334 pixels
  • 1125×2436 pixels

Q29. Nini madhumuni ya “Asset Exportfeature in Adobe XD?

  • It allows you to import assets from other software.
  • It lets you create new design elements.
  • It is used to share design prototypes.
  • It enables you to export assets (such as icons and images) for use in web or app development.

Kuhusu Helen Bassey

Okta, I'm Helena, mwandishi wa blogu ambaye ana shauku ya kuchapisha yaliyomo ndani ya niche ya elimu. Ninaamini kuwa elimu ni ufunguo wa maendeleo binafsi na kijamii, na ninataka kushiriki ujuzi na uzoefu wangu na wanafunzi wa umri na asili zote. Kwenye blogi yangu, utapata makala juu ya mada kama vile mikakati ya kujifunza, elimu mtandaoni, mwongozo wa kazi, na zaidi. Pia ninakaribisha maoni na mapendekezo kutoka kwa wasomaji wangu, kwa hivyo jisikie huru kuacha maoni au kuwasiliana nami wakati wowote. Natumai utafurahiya kusoma blogi yangu na unaona kuwa ni muhimu na ya kutia moyo.

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