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Jiandikishe sasa

Karibu kwenye Scholarsark.com! Usajili wako utakupa ufikiaji wa kutumia huduma zaidi za jukwaa hili. Unaweza kuuliza maswali, toa michango au toa majibu, angalia maelezo mafupi ya watumiaji wengine na mengi zaidi. Jiandikishe sasa!

Usimamizi wa Fedha 101: Beginner’s Guide to Financial Freedom

Usimamizi wa Fedha 101: Beginner’s Guide to Financial Freedom

Bei: $19.99

Post any questions you have on my facebook page! -ManOntheStreetFinance-

Follow this step by step guide to pack up your finances and take 4 concrete steps to achieve financial freedom.

You will get recommendations on steps to take if you answer the questionnaire that comes with the course.

In this journey, you will evaluate your own financial standing, understand what you want and create a strategy to get to your goal.

Hatua 1: Evaluate where you stand and what you want

Hatua 2: Understand your finances

Hatua 3: Optimise debt, spending and income

Hatua 4: Allocate your savings

Ukitaka retire at 45 or at 60, or if you simply want to understand how to go about money management, this guide will help you personalise your plan.


walikuwa pretty kubwa 10 years in finance, I realised that investing and financial services are provided to those who can afford it. That leaves out most of the population. After years of reading, trying and making mistakes, I came up with a simple and effective method that everyone can follow to become financially free. Discipline and consistency are your best friends on this journey.

Your decisions today will shape your tomorrow


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