Miradi ya Python (Kiwango 2)
Bei: $39.99
In this course you will get to learn about :
Some wonderful projects that will strengthen your CV
how to develop new project ideas in python programming language
how to implement new project ideas on your own.
Some best libraries of python like gtts, playsound, PyQT5 etc.
Logic building ability for making projects
Some new concepts of python programming language
Build fun and memorable projects
Learn how to code in Python in simple and easy way.
Learn Python Functions Programming.
CREATE your own Programs and Applications
Kiolesura cha Mchoro cha Mtumiaji (GUI) in Python
Errors and Exceptions Handling
Be able to use the in-built Python modules for their own projects
Build Python Graphical User Interfaces(GUI) with Tkinter
Build simple Python based games using programming loops and functions
Get a handle on working with Python 3
Working with text editors like Sublime text editor and Pycharm IDE.
Be able to program in Python professionally
Build GUIs and Desktop applications with Python
In this course you will learn to make different python projects which you can ass in your CV to strengthen your CV . So that projects are basically named as:
College Library management App
Make your own Calculator using Kivy
Make your own Image viewer
GUI Age Calculator
Make a 3D design using python
Rolling a dice using python
Play Dice game with a bot
Make your own GUI calendar
Get movie Info using python
jokes and password generator
Acha jibu
Lazima Ingia au kujiandikisha kuongeza maoni mapya .