STM32F4 Programming Course for Beginners
Bei: $39.99
This course is prepared for STM32F4 starters and it can be thought as Getting Started guide for STM32F4. STM32F4 Discovery Board is a new generation board that has high capabilities such as low cost energy, 32-bit microprocessor, very short response time and so on. STM32F4 is a trending technology; hata hivyo, there is not much educational resources yet. This course provides all basic and practical knowledge for starting to development using STM32F4. The course includes everything required for beginners and experienced users to get started quickly.
The course begins with overviews of ARM architectures, Programming Tools and introduction to STM32F4 Discovery Board. Then course continues with fundamental the SoC peripherals such as I/O ports, ADC, Timers and USART and of course along with their project.
You will be able to develop projects using STM32F4 to improve your basic knowledge by learning the fundamental subjects at the end of this course.
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